- cisorium
cīsōrium, ī n. [ caedo ]режущее орудие, резак Veg
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
cisoria — (del lat. «cisorĭum») adj. V. «arte cisoria». * * * cisoria. (Del lat. cisorĭum). □ V. arte cisoria. * * * cisoria, arte … Enciclopedia Universal
cisors — Scissors Scis sors, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F. ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr. L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cizars — Scissors Scis sors, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F. ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr. L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pair of scissors — Scissors Scis sors, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F. ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr. L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scissars — Scissors Scis sors, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F. ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr. L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scissors — Scis sors, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F. ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr. L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one who cleaves or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scissors grinder — Scissors Scis sors, n. pl. [OE. sisoures, OF. cisoires (cf. F. ciseaux), probably fr. LL. cisorium a cutting instrument, fr. L. caedere to cut. Cf. {Chisel}, {Concise}. The modern spelling is due to a mistaken derivation from L. scissor one who… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scissors — /siz euhrz/, n. 1. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a cutting instrument for paper, cloth, etc., consisting of two blades, each having a ring shaped handle, that are so pivoted together that their sharp edges work one against the other (often used… … Universalium
Cissor — A tailor or cloth cutter who took his name from the tool of his trade, his scissors; tailor from AnNor. tailleur was also used. [< OldFr. cissoires < Lat. cisorium = cutting implement, scissors] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
cisoires — [ sizwar ] n. f. pl. • XIIIe; lat. cisorium ♦ Techn. Cisaille de chaudronnier, de tôlier, au manche monté sur un pied. ● cisoires nom féminin pluriel (latin cisoria, instrument tranchant) Grosses cisailles de tôlier, de chaudronnier, etc.,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cisoir — [sizwaʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. XIVe; du lat. cisorium, de cæsus, de cædere « couper ». → Ciseau. ❖ ♦ Techn. Ciseau d orfèvre. ❖ HOM. Cisoires … Encyclopédie Universelle