
circumscrīptio, ōnis f. [ circumscribo ]
1) описание круга, тж. окружность C
2) объём, очертания, контур, пределы (terrae, temporis C)
3) обольщение, плутовство, мошенничество, обман (adulescentium C; aliquem circumscriptionis accusare Sen)
4) ритор. (тж. c. verborum C) закруглённый оборот, период C

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "circumscriptio" в других словарях:

  • Circumscriptio — (lat.), 1) Umriß, Grenzlinie; 2) Begrenzung, Beschränkung; daher das Recht des römischen Senates, die Gewalt der Tribunen einzuschränken; 3) (Rechtsw.), die Erfüllung eines Gesetzes, wie es dessen Worte vorschreiben, nicht aber, wie es nach dem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • circumscriptio — index fraud, limit, limitation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • circonscription — [ sirkɔ̃skripsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe « limite »; lat. circumscriptio → circonscrire 1 ♦ Vx Limite qui borne l étendue d un corps. Géom. Action de circonscrire une figure à une autre. La circonscription d un polygone à un cercle. 2 ♦ (1835) Division d …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • circumscripţie — CIRCUMSCRÍPŢIE, circumscripţii, s.f. Subdiviziune a unei unităţi teritorial administrative, organizată în vederea desfăşurării în bune condiţii a unei activităţi (financiare, sanitare, de alegeri etc.) în cadrul statului; instituţie, serviciu etc …   Dicționar Român

  • Zirkumskription — Zir|kum|skrip|ti|on 〈f. 20〉 Umschreibung, Beschränkung, Umgrenzung [<Zirkum... + lat. scriptio „das Schreiben“] * * * Zirkumskription   [lateinisch circumscriptio »Begrenzung«, »Umriss«] die, / en, katholisches Kirchenrecht: die Abgrenzung… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Circumscription — Cir cum*scrip tion, n. [L. circumscriptio. See {Circumscribe}.] 1. An inscription written around anything. [R.] Ashmole. [1913 Webster] 2. The exterior line which determines the form or magnitude of a body; outline; periphery. Ray. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • circumscription — noun Etymology: Latin circumscription , circumscriptio, from circumscribere Date: 1531 1. the act of circumscribing ; the state of being circumscribed: as a. definition, delimitation < the circumscription of her duties > b. limitation 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Zirkumskriptionsbulle — Die alte Diözesangliederung (schwarze Grenzlinien) und die Neuumschreibung nach dem Wiener Kongress (Farbflächen) Eine Zirkumskriptionsbulle (lat. circumscriptio, „Umschreibung“; s. Päpstliche Bulle) ist eine päpstliche Urkunde, durch die die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • circumscription — circumscriptive, adj. circumscriptively, adv. /serr keuhm skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of circumscribing. 2. circumscribed state; limitation. 3. anything that circumscribes, surrounds, or encloses; boundary. 4. periphery; outline. 5. a …   Universalium

  • De pictura — (English: On Painting ) is a treatise on painting written in 1435 by Italian architect and art theorist Leon Battista Alberti. It was first published in Italian in 1436. It is the first in a trilogy of treatise on the Major arts which had a… …   Wikipedia

  • limitation — lim·i·ta·tion n 1 a: restriction a limitation on the rights of ownership b: a statement or stipulation in a deed or will placing limits on the disposition of an estate or interest esp. in regard to duration or heirs see also word …   Law dictionary

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