
circum-fluus, a, um [ fluo ]
1) обтекающий (umor, amnis O)
2) обтекаемый, омываемый, окружённый (urbs circumflua Ponto VF)
campi Euphrate et Tigre circumflui T — поля, орошаемые Евфратом и Тигром
3) окаймлённый (chlamys circumflua Maeonio limbo St)
4) изобилующий (luxu Lcn)
c. gemmis Lcn — весь покрытый драгоценными камнями

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "circumfluus" в других словарях:

  • Circumfluent — Cir*cum flu*ent, Circumfluous Cir*cum flu*ous, a. [L. circumfluere, p. pr. of circumfluere; circum + fluere to flow; also L. circumfluus.] Flowing round; surrounding in the manner of a fluid. The deep, circumfluent waves. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Circumfluous — Circumfluent Cir*cum flu*ent, Circumfluous Cir*cum flu*ous, a. [L. circumfluere, p. pr. of circumfluere; circum + fluere to flow; also L. circumfluus.] Flowing round; surrounding in the manner of a fluid. The deep, circumfluent waves. Pope. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • circumfluous — /seuhr kum flooh euhs/, adj. 1. circumfluent. 2. surrounded by water. [1605 15; < L circumfluus, equiv. to circum CIRCUM + fluus, deriv. of fluere to flow; see OUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • circumfluous — /səˈkʌmfluəs/ (say suh kumfloohuhs) adjective 1. flowing round; encompassing: circumfluous tides. 2. surrounded by water. {Latin circumfluus flowing round} …  

  • couler — Couler, acut. Ores est neutre, comme, L eau coule, le vin coule, Fluit, defluit, et signifie un doux cours d eau, et une filure de vin, comme quand on a tiré le vin d un marc, on dit qu il ne fait que couler, qu on dit autrement filer, qui est ce …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • cir|cum|flu|ous — «suhr KUHM flu uhs», adjective. 1. flowing around or surrounding, as a fluid. 2. surrounded by water. ╂[< Latin circumfluus (with English ous) flowing around; surrounded < circumfluere overflow all around] …   Useful english dictionary

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