CIMMERII — I. CIMMERII populi Asiae gemini; Alii qur ex Scythia venerunt, habitantes circa Bosphorum, abipsis Cimmer ium appellatum. In Taurica Chersoneso, quae cum tractu adiacente olim Cimmeria dicta est; Post Scythia Europaea, seu parva, nunc Tartaria… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
КИММЕРИЙЦЫ — • Cimmerii, Κιμμέριοι, по Гомеру (Ноm. Od. 11, 14 слл.), народ, живущий на крайнем западе; в вечном мраке, т. к. Гелий к ним никогда не проникает. Разуметь под ними народ исторический невозможно. Исторические же К. жили у Меотидского… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
SCYTHAE — populi fuêre celeberrimi, antiquissimi proximi, Eerrario hodie Tartari, gens numerosissima, in plures populos divisa: Sunt enim non in Asia solum, sed et in Europa, apud Maeotidem paludem, qui et Maeotae, Alani, Agathyrsi, Geloni, et Sauromatae:… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Gyges of Lydia — Gyges (Γύγης) was the founder of the third or Mermnad dynasty of Lydian kings and reigned from 716 BC to 678 BC (or from c. 680 644 BCE [List of Kings of Lydia] ). He was succeeded by his son Ardys II.Authors throughout history have told… … Wikipedia
cimmérien — ● cimmérien, cimmérienne adjectif Se dit des phases tectoniques intervenues à la fin du trias (− 200 millions d années) [phase éocimmérienne] et à la limite jurassique crétacé (− 140 millions d années) [phase néocimmérienne]. ⇒CIMMÉRIEN, IENNE,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
STYX — fons Arcadiae, ex Pheoeo lacu, et ex Notacri monte manans ex saxo (cuius aqua ilico pota necat) et in fluvinm evadens. Ferrum ac aes erodit, solque mulae ungulâ aqua eius contineri potest, cetera vasa frigoris vehementiâ dirumpens. Hôc venenô… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cimmerian — Cim*me ri*an, a. [L. Cimmerius.] [Written also {Kimmerian}.] 1. Pertaining to the Cimmerii, a fabulous people, said to have lived, in very ancient times, in profound and perpetual darkness. [1913 Webster] 2. Without any light; intensely dark.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kimmerian — Cimmerian Cim*me ri*an, a. [L. Cimmerius.] [Written also {Kimmerian}.] 1. Pertaining to the Cimmerii, a fabulous people, said to have lived, in very ancient times, in profound and perpetual darkness. [1913 Webster] 2. Without any light; intensely … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cimmerian — I. adjective Date: 1580 very dark or gloomy < under ebon shades…in dark Cimmerian desert ever dwell John Milton > II. noun Etymology: Latin Cimmerii, a mythical people, from Greek Kimmerioi Date: 1584 any of a mythical people described by Homer… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Alyattes II — Alyattes , king of Lydia (619 560 BC), the real founder of the Lydian empire, was the son of Sadyattes, of the house of the Mermnadae. For several years he continued the war against Miletus begun by his father, but was obliged to turn his… … Wikipedia
Ionia — (Ancient Greek Ἰωνία or Ἰωνίη) is an ancient region of central coastal Anatolia in present day Turkey, the region nearest İzmir, which was historically Smyrna. It consisted of the northernmost territories of the Ionian League of Greek settlements … Wikipedia