
cibātus, ūs m.
пища, питание Pl, Vr, PM

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "cibatus" в других словарях:

  • mangeaille — Mangeaille, Cibatus, huius cibatus, Esca, Cibus. Mangeaille pour les porceaux, Epulae epularum …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • sabadilla — /sab euh dil euh/, n. 1. a Mexican plant, Schoenocaulon officinale, of the lily family, having long, grasslike leaves and bitter seeds. 2. the seeds of this plant, formerly used medicinally and as a source of veratrine and veratridine. [1805 15;… …   Universalium

  • sabadila — sabadȉla ž DEFINICIJA bot. biljka Srednje Amerike (Sabadilla officinarum) iz porodice mrazovica (Colchicaceae), prerađena služi kao insekticid ETIMOLOGIJA šp. cebadilla, dem. ≃ cebada: ječam ← lat. cibatus: krma ≃ ciba: hrana …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • cibation — noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English cibacioun, from Late Latin cibation , cibatio feeding, meal, from Latin cibatus (past participle of cibare to feed, from cibus food) + ion , io ion obsolete : the process of feeding the alchemical crucible with …   Useful english dictionary

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