- Chrysippus
ī m.Хрисипп, философстоик из г. Soli (Киликия), ученик Зенона и Клеанфа, глава афинской Стои (серед. 111 в. до н. э.) C, Sen, Pers etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Chrysippus — Chrysippus, griech. Philosoph im 3. Jahrh. v. Chr., aus Soli oder Tarsus gebürtig, nach Zeno Begründer der stoischen Philosophenschule, außerordentlich fruchtbar (soll nicht weniger als 700 Schriften verfaßt haben), uns jedoch nur in Fragmenten… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Chrysippus — This article is about the philosopher. For other people named Chrysippus, see Chrysippus (disambiguation). Chrysippus of Soli Roman copy of a Hellenistic bust of Chrysippus, British Museum Full name Chrysippus of Soli Born c. 279 BC … Wikipedia
CHRYSIPPUS — I. CHRYSIPPUS Pelopis fil. quem cum pater valde amaret, noverca eius Hippodamia id indigne ferens, liberos suos Atreum et Thyesten impulit, ut illum interficerent; ob quam rem a Pelope pulsi, in exilio vitam egerunt, donec pater e vivis excederet … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Chrysippus — (c. 280–207 BC) The third leading Stoic after Cleanthes, and possibly the most productive philosopher of all time, having written 705 books, none of which survive (however, ancient books were relatively short; see also Dewey ). Chrysippus was… … Philosophy dictionary
CHRYSIPPUS — a Greek philosopher, born at Soli, in Cilicia, and lived in Athens; specially skilled in dialectic; the last and greatest expounder and defender of the philosophy of the Stoa, so pre eminent, that it was said of him, If Chrysippus were not,… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Chrysippus (disambiguation) — Chrysippus (Greek: Χρύσιππος) was the name of several Greek people: Chrysippus of Soli (c.280 c.207 BC) Stoic philosopher. Chrysippus (mythology), Tragic figure of Greek mythology Chrysippus of Cnidos (4th century BC) Greek physician Chrysippus… … Wikipedia
CHRYSIPPUS Gnidius Medius — Erasistrati praeceptor. Vide Ionsium, de Script. Hist. Phil. l. 2. c 8. Alius, qui Georgica scripsit. Alii, quos vide apud Plin. l. 26. c. 2 Lil. Giraldum, Hist. de Poet. l. 3. Voss. de Hist. Graec. l. 1. c. 17. p. 112. de Poetis Graecis, p. 87.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Chrysippus (mythology) — For other people named Chrysippus, see Chrysippus (disambiguation). In Greek mythology, Chrysippus (Greek: Χρύσιππος) was a divine hero of Elis in the Peloponnesus, the bastard son of Pelops king of Pisa in the Peloponnesus and the nymph Axioche … Wikipedia
Chrysippus of Cnidos — For other people named Chrysippus, see Chrysippus (disambiguation). Chrysippus of Cnidos (4th century BC) was a Greek physician. He was the son of Erineus,[1] and a contemporary of Praxagoras,[2] a pupil of Eudoxus of Cnidos and Philistion of… … Wikipedia
Chrysippus — Chrysippos steht für einen griechischen Philosophen, siehe Chrysippos von Soli eine Figur aus der griechischen Mythologie, siehe Chrysippos (Mythologie) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chrysippus — /kruy sip euhs, kri /, n. 280 209? B.C., Greek Stoic philosopher. * * * ▪ Greek philosopher born c. 280 BC died c. 206 Greek philosopher from Soli (Soloi) who was the principal systematizer of Stoic philosophy. He is considered to have been … Universalium