- Achaemenes
Achaemenēs, is m.Ахемен, дед Кира Старшего, родоначальник персидского царского рода Ахеменидов (около середины VII в. до н. э.) H, T
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ACHAEMENES — Rex Persarum. Horat. Carm. l. 2. od 12. Num tu quae tenuit dives Achaemenes, Permutare velis crine Lyciniae. Amm. Marcellin. l. 19. c. 2. reddit, Rex Regibus imperans: De Sapore enim verba faciens, Persis Saporem, et Achaemenem appellantbus, et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Achaemenes — This article is about Achaemenes, legendary founder of the first Persian dynasty. For other uses of the name, see Achaemenes (disambiguation). Achaemenēs ( pe … Wikipedia
Achaemenes — /euh kee meuh neez , euh kem euh /, n. fl. 7th century B.C., Persian king: traditional founder of the Achaemenid dynasty. [ < Gk Achaiménes < OPers Hachamanish ] * * * ▪ Persian governor of Egypt Old Persian Hakhamanish died c. 460 BC, ,… … Universalium
Achaemenes (satrap) — Achaemenes (Haxāmaniš) was the satrap of Egypt from 484 BC until his death in 460 BC, and a member of the Achaemenid dynasty. According to Herodotus, he was a son of Persian king Darius I by his wife Atossa, and full brother of Xerxes I. Ctesias … Wikipedia
Achaemenes (disambiguation) — The name Achaemenes can mean: *Achaemenes, supposed founder of the first Persian dynasty. *Achaemenes (satrap) was the satrap of Egypt from 484 BC until his death in 460 BC. *Achaemenes (character) is a minor fictional character in Virgil s… … Wikipedia
Achaemenes (character) — A man called Achaemenes is a minor character in Virgil s Aeneid. His character seems to have been chosen by Virgil treating the Persian name Achaemenes as Greek and extracting a meaning he who waits with affliction … Wikipedia
Achaemenes — Achaimenes (altpersisch Hachāmanisch, elamisch Hakamanuisch, akkadisch Amanischa, aramäisch Ahamenesch, altgriechisch Ἀχαιμένης, lateinisch Achämenes/Achaimenes) war der Begründer der Achämeniden Dynastie, der die Großkönige des altpersischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Achaemenes — noun /əˈkɛməniːz/ the founder of the Achaemenid dynasty … Wiktionary
Achaemenes — (fl. c. 484–459 BC) Persian satrap of Egypt. Son of Darius I, king ofPersia, and Atossa, daughter of Cyrus the Great. He was appointed to office in 484 BC after a rebellion in Egypt and governed until he was killed in 459 BC during another… … Ancient Egypt
Achaemenes — /euh kee meuh neez , euh kem euh /, n. fl. 7th century B.C., Persian king: traditional founder of the Achaemenid dynasty. [ < Gk Achaiménes < OPers Hachamanish ] … Useful english dictionary
Charaxes achaemenes — Charaxes achaemenes Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español