CHALYBES — seu CALIBES, populi Asiae minoris Ponto vicini ad Thermodontem fluv. Homero Alizones appellati. Strabo, l. 12. Paphlagoniae proximi, Strabom Chaldaei dicti. Baudrando in Cappadocia, versus confinium Armeniae minoris inter Polemonium et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Chalȳbes — (a. Geogr.), Volksstamm auf der Ostküste von Pontos bis in die Gebirge Armeniens, angeblich nach Chalybs, einem Sohne des Ares, genannt; betrieben Fischfang u. Bergbau u. fertigten Eisenarbeiten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Chalybes — Les Chalybes en grec (Χάλυβες, Χάλυβοι) sont un peuple de l Antiquité classique auquel on attribue généralement l invention de l acier. Leur pays abondait en mines de fer. En latin, le mot Chalybs signifiait selon Virgile acier, selon Sénèque… … Wikipédia en Français
Chalybes — The Chalybes or Chaldoi (Χάλυβες, Χάλυβοι, Χάλδοι) were a tribe of proto Georgians. Classical Antiquity credited with the invention of ferrous metallurgy. They settled in north Anatolia known as Chaldia near the shores of the Black Sea, from the… … Wikipedia
Chalybes — Die Chalybes (Χάλυβες, Χάλυβοι) waren im Altertum ein für seine Metallverarbeitung berühmter Volksstamm, dem man die Erfindung des Eisens zuschrieb. Der Name kommt von Chalybs = gehärtetes Eisen, Stahl. Sie siedelten im nordanatolischen Gebirge… … Deutsch Wikipedia
chalybes — chal·y·bes … English syllables
chalybes — ˈkaləˌbēz noun plural Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin, from Greek : an early people living in northeastern Asia Minor and known to the ancient Greeks as ironworkers … Useful english dictionary
Khaldi — The Khaldi were a Bronze Age people inhabiting the south eastern shore of the Black Sea (now part of Turkey). They were related in proximity and probably also in language to the Hattians, an ancient people of Asia Minor. Another ancient ethnic… … Wikipedia
Tabal — (Bib. Tubal, Gk. Τιβαρηνοί Tibarenoi, Lat. Tibareni, Thobeles in Josephus) was a Luwian speaking Neo Hittite kingdom of South Central Anatolia, forming after the collapse of the Hittite Empire and surviving into Roman times.Some scholars… … Wikipedia
The Last Legion — Infobox Film name = The Last Legion image size = caption = Promotional film poster director = Doug Lefler producer = Dino De Laurentiis Martha De Laurentiis Raffaella De Laurentiis Tarak Ben Ammar writer = Jez Butterworth Tom Butterworth Carlo… … Wikipedia
Tibareni — The Tibareni (Greek Τιβαρηνοί Tibarenoi; Thobeles in Josephus) were a people referred to in Herodotus, Xenophon, Strabo and other classical authors. In classical times, they and other related tribes, the Chalybes and the Mossynoeci, were… … Wikipedia