- chaerephyllum
(и chaerepolum), ī n. (греч.) бот.кервель (Scandix Cerefolium, L) Col
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
cerfeuil — [ sɛrfɶj ] n. m. • cerfoiz fin XIIIe; lat. cærefolium, gr. khairephullon, de khairein « réjouir » et phullon « feuille » ♦ Herbe potagère (ombellifères) dont les feuilles sont utilisées comme condiment. Omelette au cerfeuil. ● cerfeuil nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Anthriscus cerefolium — Chervil Cher vil, n. [AS. cerfille, fr. L. caerefolium, chaerephyllum, Gr. ?; ? to rejoice + ? leaf.] (Bot.) A plant ({Anthriscus cerefolium}) with pinnately divided aromatic leaves, of which several curled varieties are used in soups and salads … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chervil — Cher vil, n. [AS. cerfille, fr. L. caerefolium, chaerephyllum, Gr. ?; ? to rejoice + ? leaf.] (Bot.) A plant ({Anthriscus cerefolium}) with pinnately divided aromatic leaves, of which several curled varieties are used in soups and salads. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chervil — /cherr vil/, n. 1. an herb, Anthriscus cerefolium, of the parsley family, having aromatic leaves used to flavor soups, salads, etc. 2. any of several other plants of the same genus or allied genera. [bef. 900; ME chervelle, OE cerfelle < L… … Universalium
Kerbel — Sm erw. fach. (12. Jh.), mhd. kervel(e) m./f., ahd. kervola, kervila, kerbele f. Entlehnung Wie ae. cerfille f. entlehnt aus l. caerefolium n., das aus gr. * chairéphyllon n. (nur in l. Form chaerephyllum n. bezeugt) Kerbel (eigentlich liebliches … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
chervil — O.E. cerfelle, from L. chaerephyllum, from Gk. khairephyllon, from khairein to rejoice (see HORTATORY (Cf. hortatory)) + phyllon leaf (see FOLIO (Cf. folio)) … Etymology dictionary
chervil — cher•vil [[t]ˈtʃɜr vɪl[/t]] n. 1) pln an herb, Anthriscus cerefolium, of the parsley family, having aromatic leaves used to flavor soups, salads, etc 2) pln any of several other plants of the same genus or allied genera • Etymology: bef. 900; ME… … From formal English to slang
chervil — [chʉr′vəl] n. [ME chervel < OE cerfelle < L chaerephyllum < Gr chairephyllon < chairein, to rejoice (see CHARISMA) + phyllon, leaf: see PHYLL] 1. an annual herb (Anthriscus cerefolium) of the umbel family, whose leaves are used for… … English World dictionary