- Cerinthus
Cērinthus, ī m.(греч. «мёд-сырец») Керинф, мужское имя H
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cerinthus — • A Gnostic Ebionite heretic, contemporary with St. John; against whose errors on the divinity of Christ the Apostle is said to have written the Fourth Gospel Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cerinthus Cerinthus … Catholic encyclopedia
Cerinthus — u. Cerinthianer, s. Kerinthos u. Kerinthianer … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cerinthus — (Kerinthos), christlicher Gnostiker, jüngerer Zeitgenosse des ephesinischen Johannes, lehrte die Verschiedenheit des höchsten Gottes vom Weltschöpfer, und daß sich mit dem Menschen Jesus erst in der Taufe der göttliche Geist vereinigt habe. Sein… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cerinthus — Cerinthus, Häretiker zur Zeit der Apostel, judaisirender Gnostiker, über dessen Leben und Lehre wenig Sicheres bekannt ist … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Cerinthus — Gnosticism This article is part of a series on Gnosticism History of Gnosticism … Wikipedia
Cerinthus — ▪ Egyptian heretic flourished c. AD 100 Christian heretic whose errors, according to the theologian Irenaeus (Irenaeus, Saint), led the apostle John to write his New Testament Gospel. Cerinthus was probably born a Jew in Egypt. Little … Universalium
CERINTHUS — I. CERINTHUS Graeciae urbs maritima Homer. Il. 2. Item Euboeae insul. oppid Ptik. et Plin. l. 4. c. 12. Nunc vicus. Baudrand. II. CERINTHUS Haereticus cuius meminit Dionysius, cum de Ioannis Revelatione dissereret, Cerinthus, inquit, affirmabat… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cerinthus — (end of first century) Early Heretic. Cerinthus was a Gnostic who taught that God was far too exalted to have created the universe. Instead it came into being through the activities of angels or an inferior deity. He maintained that Jesus… … Who’s Who in Christianity
CERINTHUS — a heresiarch of the first century, whom, according to tradition, St. John held in special detestation, presumably as denying the Father and the Son … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Gospel of Cerinthus — The Gospel of Cerinthus is a lost gospel used by Cerinthus and by Carpocrates. According to Epiphanius [Pan. Haer. 28.5.1., I 317.10] , this gospel is identical with the Gospel of the Ebionites, and apparently, only a truncated version of the… … Wikipedia
Gnosticism — This article is part of a series on Gnosticism History of Gnosticism … Wikipedia