- Ceraunus
- I ī m.
Керавн, прозвище Птолемея II Македонского NepII Ceraunus, a, um v. l. = Ceraunius
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Ceraunus — Not to be confused with Caraunus of Chartres of the 5th century. Ceraunus (Céran) (died 614) was bishop of Paris. His relics are in the church of St. Genevieve, Paris;[1] they are on the altar of St Clotilda.[2] He is also said to have been… … Wikipedia
Ceraunus, S. (1) — 1S. Ceraunus, M. (28. Mai, al. 18. Oct.). Dieser hl. Ceraunus – auch Caraunus, Caranus, Caro genannt – frz. St Chéron, war nach Butler und Migne im 5. Jahrhundert in Gallien geboren, theilte nach dem Tode seiner Eltern seine Güter unter die Armen … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
CERAUNUS — I. CERAUNUS amnis clarus Cappadociae. Plin. l. 6. c. 3. II. CERAUNUS cognomen cuiusdam Ptolemaei primi filii, sic dicti, quod in bello fulminaret. Cael. Rhodig. l. 24. c. 6 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ceraunus, S. (2) — 2S. Ceraunus, (27. al. 28. Sept.), Bischof von Paris. S. S. Ceraunius … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Seleucus III Ceraunus — Seleucus III Soter, called Seleucus Ceraunus (ca. 243 BC 223 BC), was a ruler of the Hellenistic Seleucid kingdom, the eldest son of Seleucus II Callinicus. After a brief reign of three years (225 BC 223 BC), Seleucus was assassinated in Asia… … Wikipedia
PTOLEMAEUS Ceraunus — 30. Macedonum Rex, fil. Ptolemaei Lagi, ex Eurydice: occidit proditorô astu Seleucum, Asiae Syriaeque Regem et Macedoniam usurpavit, ductâ sorore propriâ Arsinoe, Lysimachi viduâ, quam tamen mox in insulam Samothraciam relegavit, filiis eius… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Hemiargus — Hemi … Wikipédia en Français
Hellenistic Age — In the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, the period between the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC) and the conquest of Egypt by Rome (30 BC). Alexander and his successors established Greek monarchies that controlled the area from… … Universalium
céraunie — ● céraunie nom féminin (grec keraunos, foudre) Nom sous lequel on a désigné, jusqu au XVIIIe s., certains outils préhistoriques. (Leur origine alors inconnue leur valut d être appelés aussi pierres de foudre.) ⇒CÉRAUNIE, subst. fém. MINÉRAL.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Antigonus II Gonatas — (lit. knock knees ) (Greek Αντίγονος B΄ Γονατᾶς ca. 319 BC 239 BC) was a powerful ruler who firmly established the Antigonid dynasty in Macedonia and acquired fame for his victory over the Gauls who had invaded the Balkans. His political… … Wikipedia
Seleucids — • The name given to the Macedonian dynasty, which was founded by Seleucus, a general under Alexander the Great Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Seleucids Seleucids … Catholic encyclopedia