- Centumcellae
(Centum Cellae), ārum f.Центумцеллы, портовый город в Этрурии (ныне Civitavecchia) PJ
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cornelius (Papst) — Cornelius († Juni 253 in Centumcellae heute Civitavecchia, Italien) war Bischof von Rom von März 251 bis Juni 253. Sein Name bedeutet: der Hornträger (latein.) oder: aus dem altrömischen Geschlecht der Cornelier (latein.). Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Papst Cornelius — Cornelius († Juni 253 in Centumcellae heute Civitavecchia, Italien) war Bischof von Rom von März 251 bis Juni 253. Sein Name bedeutet: der Hornträger (latein.) oder: aus dem altrömischen Geschlecht der Cornelier (latein.). Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cornelius (Bischof von Rom) — Cornelius († Juni 253 in Centumcellae heute Civitavecchia, Italien) war Bischof von Rom von März 251 bis Juni 253. Sein Name bedeutet „Der Hornträger“ (aus dem Lateinischen) oder rührt von dem altrömischen Geschlecht der Cornelier her.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roman Catholic Diocese of Viterbo — The Roman Catholic diocese of Viterbo is a Catholic ecclesiastical territory in central Italy. It was called historically (from the 12th century) the diocese of Viterbo e Tuscania. Its name was changed to diocese of Viterbo, Acquapendente,… … Wikipedia
Civitavecchia — Civitavecchia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cornelius, Saint — ▪ pope born , Rome died 253, Centumcellae, Italy; feast day September 16 pope from 251 to 253. A Roman priest, he was elected during the lull in the persecution under Emperor Decius and after the papacy had been vacant for more than a … Universalium
Diocese of Viterbo and Toscanella — Diocese of Viterbo and Toscanella † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Diocese of Viterbo and Toscanella (VITERBIENSIS ET TUSCANENSIS). The city of Viterbo in the Province of Rome stands at the foot of Monte Cimino, in Central Italy, in an… … Catholic encyclopedia
Civitavecchia — Comune Comune di Civitavecchia Civitavecchia fort and harbour … Wikipedia
Tarquinia — Comune Comune di Tarquinia A night view of the Priori Palace … Wikipedia
Lorium — was an ancient village of Etruria, Italy, on the Via Aurelia, 19 km west of Rome. Antoninus Pius, who was educated here, afterwards built a palace, in which he died. It was also a favorite haunt of Marcus Aurelius.Remains of ancient buildings… … Wikipedia
Justice of Trajan — The Justice of Trajan is a legendary episode in the life of Roman Emperor Trajan, based upon Dio Cassius account (Epitome of Book LXVIII, chapter 10): He did not, however, as might have been expected of a warlike man, pay any less attention to… … Wikipedia