- celeripes
I celeri-pēs, pedis
быстроногий C, AusII celeripēs, pedis m.скороход Aus
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Zeria celeripes — Zeria celeripes Clasificación científica Reino … Wikipedia Español
List of fossil birds — Birds are generally believed to have evolved from certain feathered theropod dinosaurs, and there is no real dividing line between birds and dinosaurs, except of course that some of the former survived the Cretaceous Tertiary extinction event… … Wikipedia
List of Agelenidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Agelenidae as of June 23, 2008.Acutipetala Acutipetala Dankittipakul Zhang, 2008 * Acutipetala donglini Dankittipakul Zhang, 2008 Thailand * Acutipetala octoginta Dankittipakul Zhang,… … Wikipedia
List of Theraphosidae species — The family Theraphosidae is divided up into 12 subfamilies, as follows. In 2003, the genus Spelopelma was subsumed into the genus Hemirrhagus , thus subsuming the subfamily Spelopelminae into Theraphosinae.AcanthopelminaeAcanthopelminae, first… … Wikipedia
Erythraeus — Taxobox name = Erythraeus regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda subphylum = Chelicerata classis = Arachnida subclassis = Acari superordo = Acariformes ordo = Prostigmata subordo = Anystina unranked familia = Parasitengona superfamilia =… … Wikipedia
List of Assamiidae species — This is a list of the described species of the harvestman family Assamiidae. The data is taken from Joel Hallan s Biology Catalog.Many of Roewer s subfamilies are unsupported, as the relationships in this family await further research. [Pinto da… … Wikipedia
List of Cicindela species — This is an alphabetical list of the species and subspecies in the beetle genus Cicindela . * Cicindela abdominalis Fabricius, 1801, Eastern Pinebarrens Tiger Beetle * Cicindela aeneicollis Bates 1881 (South America) * Cicindela aeneodorsis Sloane … Wikipedia
Liste ausgestorbener Vögel — Die prähistorisch im späten Quartär ausgestorbenen und meist nur unvollständig fossilisierten Vogeltaxa sind unter Spätquartäre Avifauna aufgeführt. Die seit 1500 ausgestorbenen Vogeltaxa finden sich unter Liste der neuzeitlich ausgestorbenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dipodomys Ordii — rat kangourou d Ord … Wikipédia en Français
Dipodomys ordii — rat kangourou d Ord … Wikipédia en Français
Eumenophorinae — Eumenophorinae … Wikipédia en Français