
ī m. (греч.)
наклонно натянутый канат (для акробатических представлений) Su

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "catadromus" в других словарях:

  • catadromous — adjective Etymology: probably from New Latin catadromus, from cata + dromus dromous Date: 1880 living in freshwater and going to the sea to spawn < catadromous eels > compare anadromous …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Brackish water — (less commonly brack water) is water that has more salinity than fresh water, but not as much as seawater. It may result from mixing of seawater with fresh water, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. The word comes from… …   Wikipedia

  • НЕВРОБАТЫ —    • Neurobătae,          νευροβάται, канатные плясуны, обыкновенно рабы, которые показывали свое искусство на тонкой веревке, между тем как funambuli танцевали на толстом канате. Канат назывался catadromus. Suet. Nero. 11. Suet. Galb. 6 …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Seiltänzer — Seiltänzer, 1) gymnastische Künstler, welche allerhand schwierige Bewegungen produciren, auf dem Kopfe stehen, balanciren, Burzelbäume schießen, sich überschlagen, auf den Händen gehen, u. vorzüglich auf dem scharf angespannten Seile mit u. ohne… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Coastal fish — Schooling threadfin, a coastal species Coastal fish, also called offshore fish or neritic fish, are fish that inhabit the sea between the shoreline and the edge of the continental shelf. Since the continental shelf is usually less than 200 metres …   Wikipedia

  • lice — Lice, Curriculum equestre palis ac tela septum. Le lieu à faire tournois à cheval, ainsi appelé, par ce qu il est remparé de palis et traversins d un costé et d autre de la toile, lequel equippage s appelle proprement Lices. Une lice et lieu pour …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • catadromic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|drämik adjective Etymology: New Latin catadromus + English ic botany : having the lowest interior segment of a pinna nearer the rachis than the lowest superior one …   Useful english dictionary

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