
ac-clāro, āvī, —, āre [ clarus ]
ясно показывать, являть (certa signa alicui L)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "acclaro" в других словарях:

  • Dependency Structure Matrix — A Dependency Structure Matrix, or DSM (also referred to as Dependency Structure Method, Design Structure Matrix, Problem Solving Matrix (PSM), incidence matrix, N square matrix or Design Precedence Matrix), is a compact, matrix representation of… …   Wikipedia

  • Design structure matrix — The design structure matrix (DSM) (also referred to as dependency structure method, dependency structure matrix, problem solving matrix (PSM), incidence matrix, n square matrix or design precedence matrix) is a compact, matrix representation of a …   Wikipedia

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