- carnivorus
carni-vorus, a, um [ caro II + voro ]плотоядный (animalia PM)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
carnivor — CARNIVÓR, Ă, carnivori, e, adj., s.n. 1. adj. Care se hrăneşte mai ales cu carne. ♢ Plante carnivore = grup restrâns de plante care, pe lângă nutriţia normală (asimilaţia clorofiliană), au însuşirea de a se hrăni cu animale (insecte, viermi etc.) … Dicționar Român
Carnívoro — (Del lat. carnivorus < caro, carnis, carne + vorare, devorar.) ► adjetivo 1 ZOOLOGÍA Que se alimenta principalmente de carne: ■ el hombre es carnívoro. ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino 2 ZOOLOGÍA Perteneciente a un orden de mamíferos… … Enciclopedia Universal
carnivore — [ karnivɔr ] adj. et n. • 1751; h. 1556; lat. carnivorus, de caro, carnis « chair » et vorare « dévorer » 1 ♦ Qui se nourrit d animaux, de chair animale. Les animaux carnivores. ⇒aussi insectivore, piscivore. Les oiseaux de proie, la plupart des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
List of Star Wars races (K-O) — KaleeshThe Kaleesh are a nomadic and politically neutral race from the planet Kalee. A bipedal reptilian species, the Kaleesh have reddish brown scaly skin and cover almost all their bodies to protect them from Kalee s blistering sun, usually… … Wikipedia
List of Star Wars species (K–O) — Contents 1 Kaleesh 2 Kaminoan 3 Kel Dor 4 Keshiri … Wikipedia
Karnivor — Fleischfresser; Carnivor (fachsprachlich) * * * kar|ni|vor 〈[ vo:r] Adj.〉 = fleischfressend * * * kar|ni|vor <Adj.> [lat. carnivorus, zu: caro (Gen.: carnis) = Fleisch u. vorare = verschlingen] (Biol.): (von bestimmten Tieren u. Pflanzen) … Universal-Lexikon
Carnivora — Car*niv o*ra, n. pl. [NL., neut. pl. from L. carnivorus. See {Carnivorous}.] (Zo[ o]l.) An order of Mammallia including the lion, tiger, wolf bear, seal, etc. They are adapted by their structure to feed upon flesh, though some of them, as the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Carnivorous — Car*niv o*rous, a. [L. carnivorus; caro, carnis, flesh + varare to devour.] Eating or feeding on flesh. The term is applied: (a) to animals which naturally seek flesh for food, as the tiger, dog, etc.; (b) to plants which are supposed to absorb… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
carnivora — noun plural Etymology: Latin, neuter plural of carnivorus Date: 1830 carnivorous mammals … New Collegiate Dictionary
carnivore — noun Etymology: ultimately from Latin carnivorus Date: 1840 1. any of an order (Carnivora) of typically flesh eating mammals that includes dogs, foxes, bears, raccoons, and cats; broadly a carnivorous animal 2. a carnivorous plant … New Collegiate Dictionary
carnivorous — adjective Etymology: Latin carnivorus, from carn , caro + vorus vorous Date: 1592 1. subsisting or feeding on animal tissues 2. of a plant subsisting on nutrients obtained from the breakdown of animal protoplasm (as of insects) 3. of or relating… … New Collegiate Dictionary