- Carneades
Carneadēs, is m.Карнеад, греч. философ из Кирены Африканской (213— 129 гг. до н. э.), основатель Новой Академии в Афинах LM, C, AG
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Carnéades — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carnéades Carnéades, copia romana de la estatua sentada exhibida en el Ágora de Atenas, ca. 150 a. C., Gliptoteca de Múnich … Wikipedia Español
Carneades — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = Ancient philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = Carneades, Roman copy after the sit statue exhibited on the agora of Athens, ca. 150 BC, Glyptothek name = Carneades birth = ca. 214 BC,… … Wikipedia
Carneades — /kahr nee euh deez /, n. 214? 129? B.C., Greek philosopher. * * * ▪ Greek philosopher born 214?, BC died 129? Greek philosopher who headed the New Academy at Athens when antidogmatic Skepticism reached its greatest strength. A native… … Universalium
Carneades — (c. 214–129 BC) The most prominent member of the later Academy after Arcesilaus . Carneades was a distinguished sceptic, famous (especially through the report by Cicero ) for impressive speeches at Rome on two successive days in either 155 or 156 … Philosophy dictionary
CARNEADES — I. CARNEADES Cyrenaeus, novae seu tertiae Academiae princeps, Chrysippi maxime studiosus, de quo Gellius, itemque Plin. l. 25. c. 5. ait, scripturum adversus Zenonis Stoici libros superiora capitis helleborô candidô pur gâsse, ne quid ex… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Carnéades de Cirene — Carnéades (en griego Καρνεάδης ο Κυρηναίος) (n. ca. 214 adC m. ca. 129 adC) filósofo y orador griego. Nació en la colonia griega de Cirene, convirtiéndose más tarde en ciudadano ateniense. Fue director de la Academia desde ca. 160 adC hasta ca.… … Enciclopedia Universal
Carneades — See Sceptics ( … History of philosophy
Carnéades — (Karneádēs) ► (214 129 a C) Filósofo griego de Cirene. Dirigió sus teorías contra los epicúreos y los estoicos … Enciclopedia Universal
CARNEADES — a Greek philosopher, born at Cyrene; his whole philosophy a polemic against the dogmatism of the Stoics, on the alleged ground of the absence of any criterion of certainty in matters of either science or morality; conceded that truth and… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Carneades — /kahr nee euh deez /, n. 214? 129? B.C., Greek philosopher … Useful english dictionary
Plank of Carneades — In ethics, the plank of Carneades is a thought experiment first proposed by Carneades of Cyrene; it explores the concept of self defense in relation to murder.In the thought experiment, there are two shipwrecked sailors, A and B. They both see a… … Wikipedia