- Caralitanus
- I Caralītānus, a, um [ Caralis ]
каральский L, PMII Caralītānus, ī m.житель города Caralis Cs
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pelophylax caralitanus — Pelophylax caralitanus … Wikipédia en Français
Cagliari — Infobox CityIT | img coa = Cagliari Stemma.png official name = Comune di Cagliari name=Cagliari region = Sardinia province = Cagliari (CA) elevation m = 4 area total km2 = 85.45 population as of = August 31, 2005 population total = 160770 metro… … Wikipedia
Constantine I of Cagliari — Constantine I[1] was the giudice of Cagliari. He was the son of the giudice Orzocco Torchitorio and giudicessa Vera. In the eleventh century, the throne of Cagliari traditionally passed between the houses of Torchitorio de Ugunale and Salusio de… … Wikipedia
Constantine II of Cagliari — Constantine II[1] (circa 1100 – 1163) was the giudice of Cagliari (as Salusio III[2] from circa 1129). He was called de Pluminus after his capital city.[3] He was the only son of Torchitorio II. From his youth he was associated as co ruler with… … Wikipedia
Giudicato of Cagliari — The Giudicato of Cagliari was one of the four Sardinian giudicati of the Middle Ages. It coverred the entire south and central east portion of the island and was composed of thirteen subdivisions called curatoriae . To its north and west lay… … Wikipedia
Сардиния — (Sardegna, Sardi) один из островов Средиземного моря, входящих в состав итальянского королевства; лежит между 38°52 и 41°16 с. ш. Площадь С. 24342 кв. км. Наибольшая длина 268 км, наибольшая ширина 144 км. Расстояние С. от о ва Корсики всего 12… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Wasserfrösche — Teichfrosch (Pelophylax „esculentus“) Systematik Klasse: Lurche (Amphibia) Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pelophylax — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Pelophylax Rana Verde (Pelophylax lessonae) Clasificación cien … Wikipedia Español
Pelophylax — Pelophylax … Wikipédia en Français
Roncus — Roncus … Wikipédia en Français