- Capena
Capēna, ae f.Капена, город в Этрурии на Тибре, к югу от Рима Cato, L etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Capena — Capena … Deutsch Wikipedia
Capena — Administration Pays Italie Région … Wikipédia en Français
Capēna — (a. Geogr.). Stadt in Etrurien, zwischen Veji u. dem Tibris; gegründet von Veji aus, od. wenigstens von Veji abhängig; die Capenāten kämpften in den Kriegen wider Rom immer auf Seiten der Falisker; 390 v. Chr. wurde C. wohl von Rom unterworfen u … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Capena — Infobox CityIT img coa = capena Stemma.gif img coa small = yes official name = Comune di Capena region = Lazio province = Rome elevation m = 160 area total km2 = 29 population as of = December 31, 2004 population total = 6706 population density… … Wikipedia
CAPENA — I. CAPENA prota urbis Rcmae, Porta di S. Sebastano. Ovid. l. 6. Fast. v. 192. Appositum dextrae porta Capena viae. Dicta est et Fontinalis, a multitudine fontium. Iuvenal. Sat. 3. v. 11. Substitit ad veteres arcus madidamque Capenam. Ibi Capenas… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Capena — Original name in latin Capena Name in other language Capena, kapena State code IT Continent/City Europe/Rome longitude 42.14162 latitude 12.54078 altitude 173 Population 5826 Date 2012 02 15 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Capēna porta — Capēna porta, Thor in Rom, s.d. (a. Geogr.) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Capena — ▪ ancient city, Italy ancient city of southern Etruria, Italy, frequently mentioned with the ancient Etruscan cities of Veii and Falerii. It was probably a colony of Veii, but after Veii s fall it became subject to Rome. Out of its… … Universalium
CAPENA — An eighth century BC and later settlement on the order of 20 hectares on a tuff outcrop near the Tiber River with associated burials located in the bend of the Tiber within the area of the British School at Rome surveys of the 1960s. The… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
Porta Capena — Die Porta Capena war ein antikes Stadttor der Servianischen Mauer in Rom. Lage Die Porta Capena befand sich am südwestlichen Abhang des Caelius. Nachbartore waren die Porta Naevia im Südwesten und die Porta Caelimontana im Osten. Am Tor begannen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bianco Capena Superiore — DOC Bianco Capena Décret d’appellation 19/05/1975 Date de parution au Journal officiel italien 05/11/1975, n 292 Rendement (raisin/hectare) 160 q … Wikipédia en Français