- Capaneus
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Капаней, царь аргивян, отец Сфенела, один из «семерых против Фив», пораженный за дерзость молнией Юпитера O, Prp, St, PMII Capanēus (Capaneīus), a, um [ Capaneus I \]капанеев St
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
CAPANEUS — nobilis Argivus, maritus Euadnes, qui una cum Polynice ad bellum Thebanum profectus, cum scalas muris admo. vere vellet, a Thebanis lapidibus fuitobrutus. Hinc factus est locus fabulae, Capaneum cum Deorum contemptor esset, a Iove Fulmine esse… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Capaneus — In Greek mythology, Capaneus was a son of Hipponous and Astynome, and husband of Evadne, with whom he fathered Sthenelus.According to the legend, Capaneus had immense strength and body size and was an outstanding warrior. He was also notorious… … Wikipedia
Capaneus — Kapaneus unter den thebischen Mauern, um 340 v. Chr., Getty Villa (92.AE.86) Kapaneus, einer der sieben Helden im Zuge gegen Theben, Sohn des Hipponoos. Er vermaß sich beim Sturm auf die Stadt, zu behaupten, dass er auch gegen den Willen des Zeus … Deutsch Wikipedia
Capaneus — /keuh pay nee euhs, kap euh noohs , nyoohs /, n. Class. Myth. one of the Seven against Thebes, who was destroyed by Zeus for blasphemy. * * * … Universalium
Capaneus — /keuh pay nee euhs, kap euh noohs , nyoohs /, n. Class. Myth. one of the Seven against Thebes, who was destroyed by Zeus for blasphemy … Useful english dictionary
КАПАНЕЙ — • Capāneus, Καπανεύς, см. Adrastus, Адраст, и Euadne, Эвадна … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Seven Against Thebes — Scene from the Seven against Thebes: Capaneus scales the city wall of Thebes, Campanian red figure amphora, ca. 340 BC, Getty Villa (92.AE.86) Written by … Wikipedia
Seven against Thebes — 1. Class. Myth. seven heroes, Amphiaraus, Capaneus, Eteoclus, Hippomedon, Parthenopaeus, Polynices, and Tydeus, who led an expedition against Thebes to depose Eteocles in favor of his brother Polynices: the expedition failed, but the Epigoni, the … Universalium
List of cultural references in The Divine Comedy — The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is a long allegorical poem in three parts or canticas (or cantiche ), Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise), and 100 cantos, with the Inferno having 34, Purgatorio 33, and Paradiso 33 … Wikipedia
Dante Symphony — A Symphony to Dante s Divine Comedy, S.109, or simply the Dante Symphony , is a program symphony composed by Franz Liszt. Written in the high romantic style, it is based on Dante Alighieri s journey through Hell and Purgatory, as depicted in The… … Wikipedia
Iphis (disambiguation) — Iphis is the name of seven characters in Greek mythology:1. Iphis, daughter (and later son) of Ligdus and Telethusa.2. Iphis, a humble man, who killed himself for love of Anaxarete.3. Iphis, son of Alector, and one of the kings in Argos.… … Wikipedia