- Canninefates
- Canninefatēs, um m.каннинефаты, батавское племя на территории нын. Голландии (по соседству с фризами) T, VP
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Canninefātes — (a. Geogr.), Volk im nordwestlichen Germanien, am Meer, s.u. Batavi … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cananefates — The Cananefates also referred to as Canninefates , Caninefates , or Canenefatae ; meaning leek masters [Lauran Toorians, De Cananefaten in taalkundig perspectief . In: W. de Jonge, J. Bazelmans and D.H. de Jager (eds.), Forum Hadriani. Van… … Wikipedia
Chauci — The Chauci (German: Chauken, and identical or similar in other regional modern languages) were an ancient Germanic tribe living in the low lying region between the Rivers Ems and Elbe, on both sides of the Weser and ranging as far inland as the… … Wikipedia
Cananefates — Les Cananefates sont une tribu germanique vivant dans le delta du Rhin, dans la partie occidentale de l île des Bataves (plus tard dans la province romaine de la Germanie inférieure, couvrant la partie occidentale des Pays Bas)[1]. Tacite signale … Wikipédia en Français
Low Countries, history of — Introduction history of the Low Countries from prehistoric times to 1579. For historical purposes, the name Low Countries is generally understood to include the territory of what is today The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, as… … Universalium
Frisians — Infobox Ethnic group group=Frisians caption=Historical Frisian settlement area poptime=1,500,000 (est.)Fact|date=February 2007 popplace=Frisia (comprising parts of The Netherlands, Germany) rels= Indigenously Germanic paganism, later Medieval… … Wikipedia
History of the Netherlands — This article is part of a series Early History … Wikipedia
List of Germanic peoples — This is a list of Germanic peoples. Classical philosophyThe Greeks assigned names to populations they considered distinct based on the city state ( polis ) to which they belonged. Intermingled with this system was an earlier one derived from the… … Wikipedia
Brinno — Brinno, leader of the Canninefates when they joined in the Batavian rebellion at the mouth of the Rhine in AD69, who was according to Tacitus::a man of a certain stolid bravery and of distinguished birth. His father, after venturing on many acts… … Wikipedia
Mythology of the Low Countries — The folklore of the Low Countries (The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg [Meijer, 1971.] ) has its roots in the mythologies of pre Christian Gaulish (Gallo Roman) and Germanic cultures, predating the region s Christianization by the Franks… … Wikipedia
Frisiavones — The Frisiavones (also Frisævones or, to distinguish more explicitly from the Frisians, Frisiabones) is a Germanic tribe usually considered as a southern subdivision of the Frisians that came into the scope of Roman domination but mentioned by… … Wikipedia