Cancelli — Can*cel li, n. pl. [L., a lattice. See {Cancel}, v. t.] 1. An interwoven or latticed wall or inclosure; latticework, rails, or crossbars, as around the bar of a court of justice, between the chancel and the nave of a church, or in a window. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cancelli — (lat.), 1) die einen gewissen Raum abschließenden Schranken; daher 2) in den ältesten Kirchen bes. die Gitterwand, welche den hohen Chor von dem Unterchor trennte. Vorn an den C en war der erhöhte Sitz für den Bischof (das Bema), von wo aus… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cancelli — Cancelli, Cancellen, die Gitter in den Gerichtsstuben, Kirchen; in den Windladen der Orgel die einzelnen Abtheilungen für die Töne … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Cancelli — Can|cel|li [kan tsɛli] die (Plur.) <aus gleichbed. lat. cancelli (Plur.) zu cancer »Gitter, Schranke«> Schranken aus Holz od. Marmor zur Abgrenzung des Altarraumes vom Gemeinderaum in frühchristlichen Basiliken, Chorschranken … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Cancelli Rossi Hotel Rome (Rome) — Cancelli Rossi Hotel Rome country: Italy, city: Rome (Airport: Leonardo Da Vinci Fiumicino) Cancelli Rossi Hotel Rome Location Located about 3 kilometres from the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, Cancelli Rossi Hotel Rome is situated… … International hotels
Cancelli — Cancẹlli [lateinisch] Plural, Schranken aus Holz oder Marmor zur Abgrenzung des Altarraumes vom Gemeinderaum in frühchristliche Basiliken … Universal-Lexikon
cancelli — can·cel·li kan sel .ī, (.)ē n pl 1) the intersecting osseous plates and bars of which cancellous bone is composed 2) the interstices between the plates and bars of cancellous bone … Medical dictionary
cancelli — n. column used as a divider in a basilica (Architecture) … English contemporary dictionary
cancelli — can·cel·li … English syllables
cancelli — /kaenselay/ The lines drawn on the face of a will or other writing, with the intention of revoking or annulling it … Black's law dictionary
cancelli — /kaenselay/ The lines drawn on the face of a will or other writing, with the intention of revoking or annulling it … Black's law dictionary