- vulgaris
- vulgaris vulgaris, e народный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
vulgaris — Ordinary; of the usual type. [L. fr. vulgus, a crowd] * * * vulgaris see ACNE VULGARIS, ICHTHYOSIS VULGARIS, LUPUS VULGARIS, PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS … Medical dictionary
vulgaris — BUSUIÓC s., adj. 1. s. (bot.; Ocimum basilicum) (prin Transilv.) mătăcină. 2. s. (bot.) busuioc de câmp (Prunella vulgaris) = şopârlaiţă, şopârliţă, busuioc roşu, busuioc sălbatic, (reg.) şopârlariţă, iarbă neagră; busuioc roşu (Prunella… … Dicționar Român
vulgaris — vulga̱ris, ...re [aus gleichbed. lat. vulgaris]: gewöhnlich, gemein, allgemein; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Acne vulgaris … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
vulgaris — adj. vulgar, de mal gusto. ❙ «Cuando vivía en Barcelona tenía una bañera vulgaris, marca Roca...» Cambio 16, 16.2.90. ❙ ▄▀ «No me va la gente con modales así, vulgaris, ¿sabes?» … Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"
vulgaris purgatio — Common purgation, the judicium Dei, that is, the trial by water ordeal or fire ordeal was often called vulgaris purgatio to distinguish it from the canonical purgation, which was by the oath of the accused. See 4 Bl Comm 342. See judicium Dei … Ballentine's law dictionary
vulgaris — adj. of the usual type; regular, common; ordinary (in Medicine in Botany meaning the most widespread in the genus; in Biology: common species ) … English contemporary dictionary
vulgaris opinio est duplex, viz., orta inter graves et discretes, quae multum veritatis habet, et opinio orta inter levés et vulgares homines absque specie veritatis — /vèlgérss spin(i)yow est d(y)ûwpleks, vsdiyksst ôrts întar gréyviyz et dsskriytows, kwiy mâltam vèhratéytss héybat, et spin(i)yow orta intsr liyviyz et vàlgériyz hônwniyz ébskwiy spiyshiyiy vèhratéytes/. Common opinion is of two kinds, viz., that … Black's law dictionary
vulgaris purgatio — /vàlgérss psrgéysh(iy)ow/. Lat. In old English law, common purgation; a name given to the trial by ordeal, to distinguish it from the canonical purgation, which was by the oath of the party. 4 Bl.Comm. 342 … Black's law dictionary
vulgaris opinio — Common opinion or repute … Ballentine's law dictionary
Senecio vulgaris — Common groundsel Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Aquilegia vulgaris — Aquilegia vulgaris … Wikipedia Español