- videlicet
- videlicet videlicet очевидно, разумеется
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
videlicet — index a savoir Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 videlicet … Law dictionary
Videlicet — Vi*del i*cet, adv. [L., contr. fr. videre licet, literally, it is easy to see, one may or can see.] To wit; namely; often abbreviated to viz. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
videlicet — namely, to wit, mid 15c., see VIZ. (Cf. viz.) … Etymology dictionary
videlicet — [vi del′ə sit] adv. [L < videre licet, it is permitted to see] that is; namely … English World dictionary
videlicet — That is to say; namely. To wit. Words particularizing a general statement and explaining obscurities therein, without being repugnant to the statement. 57 Am J1st Wills § 1156. A formal statement in a pleading intended to dispense with strict… … Ballentine's law dictionary
videlicet — /vadelasat/°diy Lat. The words to wit, or that is to say, so frequently used in pleading, are technically called the videlicet or scilicet; and when any fact alleged in pleading is preceded by, or accompanied with these words, such fact is, in… … Black's law dictionary
videlicet — adverb /vɪˈdɛlɪsɛt/ That is to say; viz. My father did speak much of the day he was not speedily to forget, videlicet May Day of 1517, when there was great apprentice rioting against insolent foreigners … Wiktionary
videlicet — /vəˈdiləsɛt/ (say vuh deeluhset) adverb namely; that is to say (used to introduce examples, details, lists, etc.): *the good things of this world, videlicet – love, wine, and friendship. –fergus hume, 1898. Abbrev.: viz. {Latin, for vidēre licet… …
videlicet — adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from vidēre to see + licet it is permitted, from licēre to be permitted Date: 15th century that is to say ; namely … New Collegiate Dictionary
videlicet — /wi day li ket /; Eng. /vi del euh sit/, adv. Latin. that is to say; namely (used esp. to introduce examples, details, etc.). Abbr.: viz. * * * … Universalium
videlicet — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adverb That is to say: namely, scilicet, specifically. Idiom: to wit. See SPECIFIC … English dictionary for students