- venditor
- venditor venditor, oris m продавец
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
venditor — /vendatar/ A seller; a vendor … Black's law dictionary
venditor — A vendor; a seller … Ballentine's law dictionary
venditor — … Useful english dictionary
venditor regis — /vendstar riyjas/ In old English law, the king s seller or salesman; the person who exposed to sale those goods and chattels which were seized or distrained to answer any debt due to the king … Black's law dictionary
venditor regis — The salesman of the king, a person who seized and sold the goods of a debtor of the king, to satisfy the debt … Ballentine's law dictionary
Caveat venditor — Let the seller beware, Caveat venditor is not the law if by it is intended anything more than that it is the seller s duty to do what the ordinary man would do in a similar situation. Pantebakos v Rockingham Light & Power Co. 81 NH 441, 128 A 534 … Ballentine's law dictionary
caveat venditor — (Latin) let the seller beware … English contemporary dictionary
caveat venditor — /ˌkæviæt ven di:tɔ:/ phrase a Latin phrase meaning ‘let the seller beware’, which indicates that the seller is legally bound to make sure that the goods he sells are in good order … Dictionary of banking and finance
caveat venditor — /kaeviyat vendatar/ Let the seller beware … Black's law dictionary
emptor emit quam minimo potest, venditor vendit quam maximo potest — /em(p)tar emat kwsm minamow powtast, vendatar vendat kwim maksamow powtast/ The buyer purchases for the lowest price he can; the seller sells for the highest price he can … Black's law dictionary
non dubitatur, etsi specialiter venditor evictionem non promiserit, re evicta, ex empto competere actionem — /non d(y)uwbateytar, etsay speshiyeylatar vendadar avikshiyownam non pramisarat, riy avikta, eks emptow kampetariy aekshiyownam/ It is certain that, although the vendor has not given a special guaranty, an action ex empto lies against him, if the … Black's law dictionary