- ultimum
- ultimum ultimum, i n предел
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ultimum refugium — (izg. ȕltimum refùgium) DEFINICIJA posljednje utočište ETIMOLOGIJA lat … Hrvatski jezični portal
ultimum — … Useful english dictionary
ultimum moriens — The right atrium of the heart, said to contract after the rest of the heart is still. [L. the last thing dying] * * * ul·ti·mum mo·ri·ens (ulґtĭ məm moґre ənz) [L. “last to dieâ€] the right atrium; said to be the last part of… … Medical dictionary
Ultimum refugium — Ụltimum re|fu̱gium [↑ultimus; lat. refugium = Zuflucht] s; : letzte Zuflucht zu einer medizinischen Maßnahme … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
ultimum supplicium — /altamam saplish(iy)am/ The last or extreme punishment; the extremity of punishment; the punishment of death. 4 Bl.Comm. 17 … Black's law dictionary
ultimum supplicium esse mortem solam interpretamur — /altamam saplish(iy)am esiy mortam sowlam antarprateymar/ The extremest punishment we consider to be death alone … Black's law dictionary
ultimum supplicium — (Civil law.) The extreme punishment; the death penalty … Ballentine's law dictionary
Ultimum supplicium esse mortem solam interpretamur — (Civil law.) We regard death alone as being the extreme punishment … Ballentine's law dictionary
ultimum tempus pariendi — The extreme time or period of gestation … Ballentine's law dictionary
Senatus consultum ultimum — Le senatus consultum ultimum (« décret ultime du Sénat »), plus exactement senatus consultum de re publica defendenda (« décret du Sénat pour la défense de la République »), est un terme moderne basé sur la formulation… … Wikipédia en Français
Pythium ultimum var. ultimum — Taxobox color = lightblue name = Pythium ultimum var. ultimum regnum = Chromista phylum = Oomycota classis = Oomycetes subclassis = Incertae sedis ordo = Pythiales familia = Pythiaceae genus = Pythium species = P. ultimum var. ultimum binomial =… … Wikipedia