- thesaurum
- thesaurum thesaurum, i n хранилище
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
thesaurus non competit regi, nisi quando nemo scit qui abscondit thesaurum — /dasohras non kompatat riyjay, naysay kwondow niymow sit kway abskondat fosohram/ Treasure does not belong to the king, unless no one knows who hid it … Black's law dictionary
FAVISSA — apud A. Gell. l. 2. c. 10. Catulus voluisse se aream Capitolinam deprimere sed facere id non quisse, quoniam favissae impedissent: Graece θησαυρὸς, quasi Flavissa, dicta est Q. Val. Sorano, quod in eas non rude aes argentumqueve, sed flata… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
THESAURUS — pecunia in futuros usus recondita a privatis, ita ut neque memoria exstet, neque dominum habeat, l. 1. ff. de acquir. rer. dom. sive, ut definit M. Aurelius Cassiodorus, l. 6. Ep. 8. Depositiva pecunia, quae longâ temporis vetustate competentes… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Adam Heinrich Dresig — (auch: Adamus Henricus Dresigius) (* 10. Juni 1701 in Hillmersdorf; † 1761) war ein deutscher Pädagoge, Altphilologe und Rektor in Lübben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Literatur 3 Ei … Deutsch Wikipedia
Siegmund Friedrich Dresig — (auch: Sigismundus Dresigius oder Siegmund Friedrich Dresick) (* 1. Oktober 1700 (oder 1703?) in Vorberg; † 11. Januar 1742 in Leipzig) war ein deutscher Altphilologe und Pädagoge. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Literatur 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dubrovnik — The walled city of Dubrovnik and outskirts … Wikipedia
New Chronology (Fomenko-Nosovsky) — The New Chronology is a rewriting of world chronology, based on the contention that conventional chronology is fundamentally flawed. The central concepts of the New Chronology are derived from the ideas of Nikolai Morozov,cite… … Wikipedia
William Perkins (Puritan) — William Perkins (1558 1602) was a clergyman and Cambridge theologian who was one of the foremost leaders of the Puritan movement in the Church of England. Early lifePerkins was born to Thomas and Anna Perkins at Marston Jabbett in the parish of… … Wikipedia
Terebinthus — (also Terebinthus of Turbo [Written Terbonen in The Codex Casinensis, but Terbinqon, Terbinthum, or Terebinthum in Cyril of Jerusalem (Catechesis, 6) and others. Also Tereventus and Terybeneus (Codex Reg. Alex. Vat.)] ) was the supposed pupil of… … Wikipedia
Яновка Томас Балтазар — (Janowka) чешский органист (род. около 1660 г.), автор музыкального словаря: Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae (1701) … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Яновка Томас-Балтазар — (Janowka) чешский органист (род. ок. 1660 г.), автор музыкального словаря: Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae (1701) … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона