- tenus
- tenus tenus (c abl.) вплоть до
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
TENUS — apud Tertullian. de Pallio, c. 3. ubi de invento torquendi lanas et in fila deducendi ad eundem modum, quô prius torquebantur restes ex philyra, Mercurium, inquit, forte palpati arietis mollitie delectatum, deglubâsse oviculam, dumque pertentat,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
tenus — Part. pas. m.p. tenir … French Morphology and Phonetics
ore tenus — ore te·nus / ōr ē tē nəs, ōr ā te nu̇s/ adv or adj [Latin, by mouth]: made or presented orally ore tenus testimony evidence presented ore tenus Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
ore tenus — /oriy tiynas/ By word of mouth; orally. Pleading was anciently carried on ore tenus, at the bar of the court. 3 Bl.Comm. 293 @ ore tenus rule Under the ore tenus rule, reviewing court must affirm the trial court unless its findings are plainly… … Black's law dictionary
Messe tenus, propria vive. — См. Лето припасуха, зима прибируха. Messe tenus, propria vive. См. Протягивай ножки по одежке … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
ore tenus — ˌōrēˈtenəs adverb Etymology: Latin, by mouth : by spoken word : orally pleading done ore tenus … Useful english dictionary
ore tenus — adjective Of testimony, presented orally … Wiktionary
demurrer ore tenus — A demurrer made orally at the time of argument in support of a demurrer of record, pointing out the defect in the pleading to which it is addressed. Wetherell v Eberle, 123 Ill 666, 14 NE 675. A demurrer in the form of an objection to evidence on … Ballentine's law dictionary
ore tenus — By word of mouth; oral; orally … Ballentine's law dictionary
appanage — Tenus en appanage, Profectitia, Fiduciaria, Fiducia contracta, attributa, B … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Jeux de la communication — Les Jeux de la Communication sont une rencontre annuelle entre plusieurs départements de communication de certaines universités francophones et bilingues du Canada. Comparable aux Jeux de Génie ou aux Jeux du Commerce, Les Jeux de la Com durent… … Wikipédia en Français