- talaria
- talaria talaria, ium n щиколотка
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Talaria — are winged sandals, a typical icon of the Greek Messenger God Hermes (Roman equivalent Mercury). They were said to be made of imperishable gold and flew the god as swift as any bird. The name is from the Latin talaria , from neuter plural of… … Wikipedia
Talaria — Ta*la ri*a, n. pl. [L., from talaris pertaining to the ankles, fr. talus ankle.] (Class. Myth.) Small wings or winged shoes represented as fastened to the ankles, chiefly used as an attribute of Mercury. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Talarīa — (lat.), 1) Flügelschuhe, wie sie von den Alten dem Hermes (s.d.) beigelegt wurden; 2) Kleider, welche bis an die Knöchel herabreichen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
TALARIA — urbs Syracosiorum. Gentile Talarinus, Stephan … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
talaria — [tə ler′ē ə, təlar′ē ə] pl.n. [L < talaris, of the ankles < talus, ankle] winged sandals or wings on the ankles, represented in mythology as an attribute, esp. of Hermes, or Mercury … English World dictionary
Talaria — Une des plus anciennes représentations connues[1] : Persée, portant des talaria et la kibisis jetée sur l épaule, détourne la tête pour tuer Méduse, pithos orientalisant à reliefs, v. 660 av. J. C., m … Wikipédia en Français
talaria — /teuh lair ee euh/, n.pl. Class. Myth. the wings or winged sandals on the feet of Hermes, or Mercury. [ < L talaria, n. use of neut. pl. of TALARIS attached to the ankles, equiv. to tal(us) ankle + aris AR1] * * * … Universalium
TALARIA Lex — memoratur Plauto Milit. Glorioso, Actu 2. sc. 2. v. 9. Atque adeo, ut ne legi fraudem faciam Talariae, Accuratote, ut sine talis domi agitent convivium. Ubi facete ad Legem aliquam de alea Talorumve lusu veterum, Publiciam forte aut Titiam,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
talaria — noun The winged sandals worn by Hermes / Mercury … Wiktionary
TALARIA — wings attached to the ankles or sandals of Mercury as the messenger of the gods … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
talaria — n. winged sandals worn by the gods Mercury and Hermes (Classical Mythology); wings depicted on the ankles or feet (in the style of the gods Mercury and Hermes) … English contemporary dictionary