- suffragor
- suffragor suffragor, atus sum, ari голосовать
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Enzyte — is a herbal nutritional supplement manufactured by Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals of Cincinnati, Ohio. The manufacturer claims Enzyte promotes natural male enhancement , which is a euphemism for penile enlargement. However, its effectiveness has … Wikipedia
suffragan — /ˈsʌfrədʒən/ (say sufruhjuhn), British /ˈsʌfrəgən/ (say sufruhguhn) adjective 1. assistant or subsidiary, applied: a. to a bishop appointed to help a diocesan bishop in the administration of a diocese. b. to any bishop in relation to the… …