
ī m.
Каллимах, из киренского рода Баттиадов, александрийский грамматик и поэт (умер ок. 240 г. до н. э.) C, Q, Prp

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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  • Callimachus — (Greek: polytonic|Καλλίμαχος, 310 BC/305 BC 240 BC) was a native of the Greek colony of Cyrene, Libya. He was a noted poet, critic and scholar of the Library of Alexandria and enjoyed the patronage of ancient Egyptian Greek Pharaohs Ptolemy II… …   Wikipedia

  • Callimachus — ist der Name folgender Personen: Filippo Buonaccorsi (lat. Philippus Callimachus Experiens; 1437–1497), italienischer Humanist und Staatsmann der Renaissance Siehe auch: Kallimachos Main Pyrus DMS (früher uniVarc Callimachus und Main//Pyrus DMS) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Callimăchus — Callimăchus, 1) s. Kallimachos; 2) Callimachus experiens, so v.w. Buonaccorsi 1) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Callimachus — /keuh lim euh keuhs/, n. c310 c240 B.C., Greek poet, grammarian, and critic. * * * I born с 305, Cyrene, North Africa died с 240 BC Greek poet and scholar. He migrated to Egypt, where he worked at the Library of Alexandria. Of his voluminous… …   Universalium

  • CALLIMACHUS — I. CALLIMACHUS Archon Athenis, an. 4. Olymp. 107. II. CALLIMACHUS Atheniensis Dux praestantissimus, praeliô cum hostibus Persis commissô, quamplurimis hastilibus cum transfossus esset. et animam efflâsset, rectus sterit. Plut. in Paral. III.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Callimachus — Filippo Buonaccorsi Épitaphe sur la tombe de Casimir IV Filippo Buonaccorsi dit Filip Callimachus, (latin Philippus Callimachus Experiens) (San Gimignano, 1437 Cracovie, 1er novembre 149 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Callimachus (polemarch) — Callimachus (Καλλίμαχος) was polemarch in Athens in 490 BC, and was one of the commanders at the Battle of Marathon.As polemarch, Callimachus had a vote in military affairs along with the 10 strategoi , the generals, such as Miltiades. Miltiades… …   Wikipedia

  • CALLIMACHUS Experiens Philippus — San Geminlano, in ditione Florentina oriundus, Pauli II. literatorum osoris, odium declinaturus, in Poloniam abiit, a Casimiro Rege filiorum institutioni admotus, ei Albertoque fil. successori gratissimus. Auctor Historiae Attilae, bellorum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Callimachus (sculptor) — For the Alexandrian poet and keeper of the Museum, see Callimachus of Cyrene .Callimachus (Greek: Καλλίμαχος) was an architect and sculptor working in the second half of the 5th century BC in the manner established by Polyclitus. He was credited… …   Wikipedia

  • Callimachus Experiens — Filippo Buonaccorsi, lateinisch Philippus Callimachus Experiens (* 1437 in San Gimignano; † 1. November 1497 in Krakau) war ein italienischer Humanist und Staatsmann der Renaissance …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Callimachus — I. biographical name 5th century B.C. Greek sculptor II. biographical name circa 305 circa 240 B.C. Greek scholar & Alexandrian librarian …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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