Смотреть что такое "sterno" в других словарях:
sterno- — ⇒STERNO , élém. de compos. Élém. représentant le subst. sternum, entrant dans la constr. d adj. et de subst. appartenant à la lang. méd., notamment en anat. A. ANAT. [Les mots constr. sont des adj. et des subst.; le 2e élém. est un adj.]: sterno… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sterno — Canned Heat is a fuel made from denatured and jellied alcohol. It is designed to be burned directly from its can. Its primary use is in the food service industry for buffet heating. Other uses are for camp stoves and as an emergency heat source.… … Wikipedia
sterno — elem. Stern1, torace . (din fr. stern/o/ , cf. lat. sternum, gr. sternon) Trimis de tavi, 13.09.2007. Sursa: MDN STERNO Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia (referitor la) stern , sternal . [var. stern . / < fr. sterno , cf … Dicționar Român
sternō- — *sternō , *sternōn, *sterna , *sternan germ., schwach Maskulinum (n): nhd. Stern ( Maskulinum) (1); ne. star; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., afries., as., ahd.; Hinweis: s. *sterrōn; Etymologie … Germanisches Wörterbuch
Sterno- — Ster no A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the sternum; as, sternocostal, sternoscapular. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sterno — U.S. proprietary name for solidified alcohol used as fuel for cooking stoves, 1915, by S. Sternau & Co., New York, New York … Etymology dictionary
Sterno — ☆ Sterno [stʉr′nō ] trademark for gelatinized methyl alcohol with nitrocellulose, sold in cans as a fuel for small stoves or chafing dishes … English World dictionary
sterno- — [stʉr′nō, stʉr′nə] [< STERNUM] combining form sternum, sternum and [sternalgia]: also, before a vowel, stern … English World dictionary
Sterno® — /stûrˈnō/ noun A form of flammable hydrocarbon jelly used as cooking fuel ORIGIN: Sternau, original US manufacturer … Useful english dictionary
Sterno — El Sterno, que tiene como denominación genérica en inglés canned heat (es decir calor enlatado), es un combustible compuesto de etanol y alcohol gelatinoso. Fue creado en 1920 para que ardiera en la propia lata en la que venía envasado. Categoría … Wikipedia Español
sterno — stèr·no s.m. 1a. CO TS anat. osso impari mediano, piatto e simmetrico, suddivisibile in tre segmenti, che forma la parte mediana della parete anteriore del torace e si articola sui due lati con le clavicole e con le prime sette coste 1b. TS zool … Dizionario italiano