- socius
- socius socius, i m союзник, соучастник
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
socius — ⇒SOCIUS, subst. masc. SOCIOL. Composante sociale du comportement et de la vie mentale d un être vivant. Car la psychologie sociale, proposons nous, est avant tout psychologie: psychologie de l homme comme socius, et non de la société, soit de l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Socĭus — (lat.), 1) Theilnehmer, Verbündeter, Genoß; 2) der mit Anderen an einer Arbeit Theil nimmt; bes. hießen Socii navales die Bemannung auf einem Schiffe, die Ruderer u. die Matrosen im Gegensatze zu den Schiffssoldaten; 3) Bundesgenoß; über die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Socĭus — Socĭus, s. Sozius … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Socius — • Socius, в отношении к частному праву. Товарищество или societas соединяет несколько лиц (socii) для достижения общих целей и налагает на них известные обязанности. Socii имеют для защиты друг против друга так называемую actio pro… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
SOCIUS — Hebr. Gap desc: Hebrew alias a sita muteth, se reclinans, in alterius scil. sinum (qui olim et accumbentium in mensa ritus) Hebraeis nomen fuit altioris gradus discipulorum, ut supra videre est voce Rab … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
socius — by Kenneth Surin Traditional philosophy relied overwhelmingly on the operation of transcendental principles which were required to make claims possible, as well as moral aesthetic judgements. There are also transcendental principles, perhaps … The Deleuze dictionary
socius — by Kenneth Surin Traditional philosophy relied overwhelmingly on the operation of transcendental principles which were required to make claims possible, as well as moral aesthetic judgements. There are also transcendental principles, perhaps … The Deleuze dictionary
socius — n. (pl. ii) member; companion; associate; individual. ♦ socius criminis, accomplice in crime … Dictionary of difficult words
socius — ˈsōshēəs noun (plural socii ēˌī) Etymology: Latin more at social 1. : associate, colleague was procurator and socius to the vice provincial R.J.Purcell … Useful english dictionary
socius criminis — index accessory, accomplice, cohort, colleague, copartner (coconspirator) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
socius — so·ci·us … English syllables