- calefacto
- (стяж. calfacto), —, —, āre [intens. к calefacio ]1) сильно нагревать (aquam Pl; aēnum H)2) шутл. взгреть (virgis Pl)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Calefactory — A container which held heat; sometimes it was shaped as a ball to warm the hands of a priest before the *eucharist, when it was known as a pome (Fr. pomme = apple). Later, in the 16c, it was the heated room in a monastery. [< Lat. calefacto =… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
CRYSTALLO — Soli opposito, admotam facem acdendi, legimus apud Aristophanem in Nub. ΣΤΡ. Η῎δη παρὰ τοῖσι φαρμακοπώλαις τὴν διαφανῆ Ταύτην ἑώρας τὴν καλὴν, τὴν διαφανῆ, Α᾿φ᾿ ἧς τὸ πῦρ ἅπτουσι: ΣΩ. τὴν ὕαλον λέγω. STR. Vidistine apud pharmacopolas pellucidum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ENCAUSTICE — Graece Ε᾿γκαυςτικὴ, Lat. Ars cerâ pingendi, celebris olim. Nam ceram in hoc picturae genere tabulae inducebant, non quidem liquefactam, sed cuiusmodi esset: inducebant autem eam discolorem, prout exigeret id, quod in tabula vellent pingere. Ceris … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
LUCUS — I. LUCUS castellum Salyorum, in dioec. Arelatensi. Item in Provincia, prope Brinoniam, prunis suis celebris, Brignole. Hadr. Vales. Not. Gall. II. LUCUS improprie de fruiticetis et arbustis, ut apud Solin. c. 35. ubi balsami lucos memorat, quod… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale