- simulator
- simulator simulator, oris m притворщик
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
simulator — SIMULATÓR, simulatoare, s.n. 1. Sistem tehnic destinat rezolvării ecuaţiilor care caracterizează un anumit obiect sau fenomen. 2. Ansamblu de aparate şi dispozitive care simulează situaţiile posibile într o activitate, folosit pentru antrenarea… … Dicționar Român
simulator — 1835, of persons, from L. simulator “a copier, feigner,” agent noun from simulare imitate, from stem of similis like (see SIMILAR (Cf. similar)). In reference to training devices for complex systems, from 1947 (flight simulator) … Etymology dictionary
simùlātor — (simulȃtor) m tehn. uređaj koji simulira neku stvarnu pojavu ili proces (vožnju automobilom, avionom i sl.) … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
simulator — simùlātor (simulȃtor) m DEFINICIJA tehn. uređaj koji simulira neku stvarnu pojavu ili proces (vožnju automobilom, avionom i sl.) ETIMOLOGIJA vidi simulirati … Hrvatski jezični portal
simulator — [sim′yo͞o lāt΄ər, sim′yəlāt΄ər] n. 1. one that simulates; specif., a training device that duplicates artificially the conditions likely to be encountered in some operation, as in a spacecraft [a flight simulator] 2. a computer that performs… … English World dictionary
Simulator — Sim u*la tor, n. [L.] One who simulates, or feigns. De Quincey. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
simulator — ► NOUN ▪ a machine that simulates the controls and conditions of a real vehicle, process, etc., used for training or testing … English terms dictionary
simulator — simulation sim‧u‧la‧tion [ˌsɪmjˈleɪʆn] noun [countable, uncountable] an activity or situation that produces conditions which are not real, but have the appearance of being real, used especially for testing something: • A computer simulation… … Financial and business terms
simulator — UK [ˈsɪmjʊˌleɪtə(r)] / US [ˈsɪmjəˌleɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms simulator : singular simulator plural simulators a piece of equipment used for training people to operate an aircraft or other vehicle by simulating the situations that they… … English dictionary
simulator — /sim yeuh lay teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that simulates. 2. a machine for simulating certain environmental and other conditions for purposes of training or experimentation: a flight simulator. [1825 35; < L simulator imitator, counterfeiter … Universalium
Simulator — Si|mu|la|tor 〈m. 23〉 Vorrichtung, durch die wirklichkeitsgetreue Bedingungen u. Verhältnisse künstlich hergestellt werden können, zum Beispiel zum Testen von Fahrzeugen od. Flugzeugen [→ simulieren] * * * Si|mu|la|tor, der; s, …oren (Fachspr.):… … Universal-Lexikon