- similiter
- similiter similiter подобным образом
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Similiter — Si*mil i*ter, n. [L., in like manner.] (Law) The technical name of the form by which either party, in pleading, accepts the issue tendered by his opponent; called sometimes a {joinder in issue}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
similiter — The like. A formal statement in writing whereby a party expresses his acceptance of an issue tendered by the pleading of his adversary. A similiter is not in strictness a part of a pleading, but common law practice regarded it as a vital… … Ballentine's law dictionary
similiter — in a similar manner Latin Adverbs and Prepositions … Phrontistery dictionary
similiter — si·mil·i·ter … English syllables
similiter — /samilatar/ In common law pleading, means likewise; the like. The name of the short formula used either at the end of pleadings or by itself, expressly of the acceptance of an issue of fact tendered by the opposite party; otherwise termed a… … Black's law dictionary
similiter — I. sə̇ˈmiləd.ə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, in like manner, from similis like : a reply by which the pleader in a common law pleading concurs with the other party in requesting trial by jury II. adverb … Useful english dictionary
similiter dicere — To say the like; to homologate. Hecker v Brown, 104 La 524, 527, 29 So 232 … Ballentine's law dictionary
praedictus X similiter — See et praedictus X similiter … Ballentine's law dictionary
RERUTN PERPETTIO SIMILITER IUDICATARUM AUCTORITAS VIM LEGIS OBTINERE DEBET — – авторитет судебных решений по делам, постоянно решаемым одинаково, должен иметь силу закона … Советский юридический словарь
regia dignitas est indivisibilis, et quaelibet alia derivative dignitas est similiter indivisibilis — /riyj(iy)a dignatass est indavazibalas et kwiylabat eyl(i)ya darivatayva dignataes est samilatar indavazibalas/ The kingly power is indivisible, and every other derivative power is similarly indivisible … Black's law dictionary
et praedictus X similiter — And the said X likewise … Ballentine's law dictionary