- severitas
- severitas severitas, atis f строгость, суровость
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
severitas — index austerity, rigor, severity, solemnity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
severità — {{hw}}{{severità}}{{/hw}}s. f. Caratteristica di severo; SIN. Austerità, rigorosità; CONTR. Indulgenza … Enciclopedia di italiano
sévérité — [ severite ] n. f. • fin XIIe; lat. severitas 1 ♦ Caractère ou comportement d une personne sévère. ⇒ dureté, rigueur. Élever un enfant avec sévérité. « Il se juge lui même avec une âpre et douloureuse sévérité » (Duhamel). ♢ Caractère sévère,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
severitate — SEVERITÁTE s.f. Însuşirea de a fi sever (1); asprime, străşnicie; comportarea unei persoane severe; exigenţă, austeritate, rigiditate. – Din fr. sévérité, lat. severitas, atis. Trimis de claudia, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 SEVERITÁTE s. 1. v.… … Dicționar Român
Disciplina — In Roman mythology, Disciplina was a minor deity and the personification of discipline.[1] The word disciplina itself, a Latin noun, is multi faceted in meaning; it refers to education and training, self control and determination, knowledge in a… … Wikipedia
De Catilinae coniuratione — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Frontispicio de una miniatura del Bellum Catilinae de Bartolomeo San Vito por Bernardo Bembo, 1471 84; conservado en la Biblioteca Vaticana. De Catilinae coniuratione (o conjuratione, en español … Wikipedia Español
Severities — Severity Se*ver i*ty, n.; pl. {Severities}. [L. severitas: cf. F. s[ e]v[ e]rit[ e].] The quality or state of being severe. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) Gravity or austerity; extreme strictness; rigor; harshness; as, the severity of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Severity — Se*ver i*ty, n.; pl. {Severities}. [L. severitas: cf. F. s[ e]v[ e]rit[ e].] The quality or state of being severe. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) Gravity or austerity; extreme strictness; rigor; harshness; as, the severity of a reprimand or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Virtue — (Latin virtus ; Greek Polytonic|ἀρετή) is moral excellence. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting individual and collective well being, and thus good by definition. The opposite of virtue is vice.Etymologically the word virtue… … Wikipedia
Michael Servetus — Not to be confused with Servatius (disambiguation). Michael Servetus Era Renaissance Born 29 September 1511(1511 09 29) … Wikipedia
БЕНЕДИКТ НУРСИЙСКИЙ — СВ. (ок. 480 547?), родоначальник западного монашества. Родился в Нурсии, городке в Сабинских горах в Умбрии, Италия, ок. 480; умер в Монте Кассино ок. 547. Два главных источника сведений о жизни и служении св. Бенедикта вторая книга… … Энциклопедия Кольера