- scyphus
- scyphus scyphus, i m бокал, кубок
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
SCYPHUS — inter poculorum genera Romanis usitata, memoratur l. 36. ff. de auro et arg. leg. ubi IC. enumerat trullas, Scyphos, modiolos, phialas: et Macrobio Saturnal. l. 5. c. 21. ubi is habet carchesia, cymbia, cantharos, scyphos, alii pateras, crateras … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Scyphus — Scy phus, n.; pl. {Scyphi}. [L., a cup, Gr. sky fos.] 1. (Antiq.) A kind of large drinking cup, used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in other… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scyphus — (Becher), 1) der trichterartige Strunk einiger Flechten; 2) bes. von den Marchantien u. andern Flechten, welche man Pyxidati u. Scyphiphori nennt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
scyphus — [sī′fəs] n. pl. scyphi [sī′fī΄] [L < Gr skyphos] 1. a form of ancient Greek cup with two handles and a flat bottom 2. Bot. a cup shaped part, as in some flowers … English World dictionary
scyphus — /ˈsaɪfəs/ (say suyfuhs) noun (plural scyphi /ˈsaɪfaɪ/ (say suyfuy)) a large ancient Greek drinking cup. {New Latin, special use of Latin scyphus goblet, from Greek skyphos can, cup} …
scyphus — /suy feuhs/, n., pl. scyphi / fuy/. 1. a cup shaped part, as of a flower. 2. skyphos. [1770 80; < L < Gk skýphos drinking bowl] * * * … Universalium
scyphus — scy·phus … English syllables
scyphus — n. (pl. scyphi) 1 Gk Antiq. a footless drinking cup with two handles below the level of the rim. 2 Bot. a cup shaped part as in a narcissus flower or in lichens. Derivatives: scyphose adj. Etymology: mod.L f. Gk skuphos … Useful english dictionary
Hercŭlis scyphus — (Ant.), großer Becher, zwei Congii (ungefähr. 11/2 Kanne) fassend … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
scypha — Scyphus Scy phus, n.; pl. {Scyphi}. [L., a cup, Gr. sky fos.] 1. (Antiq.) A kind of large drinking cup, used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scyphi — Scyphus Scy phus, n.; pl. {Scyphi}. [L., a cup, Gr. sky fos.] 1. (Antiq.) A kind of large drinking cup, used by Greeks and Romans, esp. by poor folk. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The cup of a narcissus, or a similar appendage to the corolla in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English