- sciens
- sciens sciens, entis намеренно делающий
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
sciens — index expert, familiar (informed), knowing, proficient Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sciens — sciens(e obs. forms of science … Useful english dictionary
Sciens — In law, sciens , the Latin word for knowlingly , describes a state of mind. It refers to knowledge of a fact, usually of a specific risk. It is usually pleaded by way of defence. For example where a claimant suffers a personal injury, the… … Wikipedia
Sciens non fraudatur — Non decipitur, qui scit se decipi (dt.: Es wird nicht getäuscht, wer weiß, dass er getäuscht wird) ist eine auf Ulpian zurückgehende römische Rechtsregel. Demnach ist schon der objektive Tatbestand einer Täuschung im Rechtssinne ausgeschlossen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sciens et prudens — Knowing and intending … Ballentine's law dictionary
qui sciens solvit indebitum donandi consilio id videtur fecisse — /kway sayanz solvat indebatam danaenday kansil(i)yow id vadiytar fasisiy/ One who knowingly pays what is not due is supposed to have done it with the intention of making a gift … Black's law dictionary
quod quis sciens indebitum debit hac mente, ut postea repeteret, repetere non potest — /kwod kwis sayanz indebatam debat haek mentiy, at powstiya rapetarat, repatiriy non powtast/ That which one has given, knowing it not to be due, with the intention of redemanding it, he cannot recover back … Black's law dictionary
Qui sciens solvit (scil. indebitum) donandi consilio id videtur fecisse — One who knowingly pays what is not due is deemed to have done it with the intention of making a gift. Walker v Hill, 17 Mass (17 Tyng) 380, 388 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quod quis sciens indebitum dedit bac mente, ut postea repeteret, repetere non potest — (Civil law.) A person cannot recover that which he has given, knowing that it is not due, with the intention that he will afterward recover it … Ballentine's law dictionary
SCDM — sciens dolo malo … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
sciense — sciens(e obs. forms of science … Useful english dictionary