- rhomboideus
- rhomboideus rhomboideus, a, um ромбовидный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
rhomboideus — [räm boi′dē əs] n. pl. rhomboidei [räm boi′dēī΄] [ModL (musculus) rhomboideus, rhomblike (muscle) < L rhomboides,RHOMBOID + eus, OUS] either of two muscles arising from the upper thoracic vertebrae and inserting into the scapula … English World dictionary
Rhomboidēus — Rhomboidēus, rautenförmig. Rhomboidei musculi, rautenförmige Muskeln, s.u. Schultermuskeln. Rhomboideum ligamentum carpi, ein Verstärkungsband der Kapsel der Handwurzel. R. l. claviculae, Schulterbänder … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
rhomboideus — See rhomboid minor (muscle). * * * rhom·boi·de·us räm bȯid ē əs n, pl dei ē .ī either of two muscles that lie beneath the trapezius muscle and connect the spinous processes of various vertebrae with the medial border of the scapula: a)… … Medical dictionary
rhomboideus — /rom boy dee euhs/, n., pl. rhomboidei / dee uy /. Anat. either of two back muscles that function to move the scapula. Also called rhomboid. [1825 35; < NL (musculus) rhomboideus; see RHOMBOID, EUS] * * * … Universalium
rhomboideus — [rɒm bɔɪdɪəs] noun (plural rhomboidei dɪʌɪ) Anatomy a muscle connecting the shoulder blade to the vertebrae. Origin C19: mod. L., from rhomboideus (musculus) (see rhomboid) … English new terms dictionary
rhomboideus — rhom•boi•de•us [[t]rɒmˈbɔɪ di əs[/t]] n. pl. de•i [[t] diˌaɪ[/t]] anat. either of two back muscles that function to move the scapula • Etymology: 1825–35; < NL (musculus) rhomboideus; see rhomboid, eous … From formal English to slang
Rhomboideus — rombiškasis statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Rhomboideus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – pagrindiniai terminai … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
rhomboideus — n. (pl. rhomboidei) Anat. a muscle connecting the shoulder blade to the vertebrae. Etymology: mod.L rhomboideus RHOMBOID … Useful english dictionary
rhomboideus major — n a muscle arising from the spinous processes of the second through fifth thoracic vertebrae, inserted into the vertebral border of the scapula, and acting to adduct and laterally rotate the scapula called also rhomboid major … Medical dictionary
rhomboideus minor — n a muscle arising from the inferior part of the ligamentum nuchae and from the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae, inserted into the vertebral border of the scapula at the base of the bony process terminating… … Medical dictionary
Rhomboideus major — Musculus rhomboideus major Rückenmuskulatur des Menschen Ursprung Dornfortsätze des 2. 5. Brustwirbels, Ligamentum supraspinale An … Deutsch Wikipedia