- rabidus
- rabidus rabidus, a, um бешеный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
brave — (bra v ; Chifflet, Grammaire, p. 123, remarque que l a a le son que nous marquons par un accent circonflexe, brâ v ; la prononciation a changé) adj. 1° Qui affronte courageusement le danger. Les plus braves. Qui n est brave qu en paroles. • M … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
rabid — Relating to or suffering from rabies. [L. rabidus, raving, mad] * * * ra·bid rab ədalso rā bəd adj affected with rabies <a rabid dog> * * * rab·id (rabґid) [L. rabidus] infected with rabies … Medical dictionary
rábido — (Derivado del lat. vulgar rabia.) ► adjetivo Violento, que está fuera de su estado natural. SINÓNIMO rabioso airado * * * rábido, a (del lat. «rabĭdus») adj. Rabioso. * * * rábido, da. (Del lat. rabĭdus) … Enciclopedia Universal
Rabid — Rab id (r[a^]b [i^]d), a. [L. rabidus, from rabere to rave. See {Rage}, n.] 1. Furious; raging; extremely violent. [1913 Webster] The rabid flight Of winds that ruin ships. Chapman. [1913 Webster] 2. Extreme, unreasonable, or fanatical in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rabid — adjective Etymology: Latin rabidus mad, from rabere Date: 1594 1. a. extremely violent ; furious b. going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion < rabid editorials > < a rabid supporter > 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
rabid — rabidity /reuh bid i tee, ra /, rabidness, n. rabidly, adv. /rab id/, adj. 1. irrationally extreme in opinion or practice: a rabid isolationist; a rabid baseball fan. 2. furious or raging; violently intense: a rabid hunger. 3. affected with or… … Universalium
rabid — rab|id [ˈræbıd, ˈreı ] adj [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: rabidus, from rabere; RAGE1] 1.) having very extreme and unreasonable opinions ▪ a group of rabid right wing fanatics 2.) a rabid animal is suffering from rabies … Dictionary of contemporary English
rabies — [17] Latin rabiēs meant ‘fury, madness’ (it is the source of English rage). Hence it came to be used for ‘madness in dogs’, and was subsequently adopted as the name of the disease causing this, when it came to be identified. The word was derived… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
ԿԱՏԱՂԻ — (ղւոյ, ղեաց.) NBH 1 1060 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 6c, 7c, 8c, 11c, 12c, 13c ա. (լծ. լտ. գադու՛լլուս, թ. գօդուղ). λυσσαλήεις , λυσσήρης rabidus, rabiosus μανικός, ἕκφρων insanus, furiosus, furibundus ἅγριος agrestis,… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
rabid — (adj.) 1610s, furious, raving, from L. rabidus, from rabere be mad, rave (see RAGE (Cf. rage)). Meaning made mad by rabies first recorded 1804. Related: Rabidly; rabidness … Etymology dictionary
СЛЕПНИ — СЛЕПНИ, сем. Tabanidae, крупные коротко усые двукрылые, самки к рых за очень редкими исключениями являются кровососами. В фауне СССР известны роды: Tabanus Chrysops (златоглазки), Pangonia, Silvius, Chrysozona ( = Haematopota, дождевка),… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия