- quotiens
- quotiens quotiens сколько раз
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit — /kwowsh(iy)enz d(y)iiwbiya intarprateysh(iy)ow libarteytas est, sakandam libarteytam respondendam ehrat/ Whenever there is a doubt between liberty and slavery, the decision must be in favor of liberty … Black's law dictionary
quotiens idem sermo duas sententias exprimit, ea potissimum accipiatur, quae rei gerendae aptior est — /kwowsh(iy)enz aydam sarmow d(y)iiwas santensh(iy)as ekspramat, iya powtisamam aksipiyeytar, kwiy riyay jarenday sepshiyar est/ Whenever the same words express two meanings, that is to be taken which is the better fitted for carrying out the… … Black's law dictionary
Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit — Whenever the construction or interpretation of liberty is in doubt, it shall be resolved in favor of liberty … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quotiens idem sermo duas sententias exprimit, ea potissimum accipiatur, qui rei gerendae aptior est — Whenever the same language expresses two meanings, that is to be accepted as preferable which is more apt for carrying out the subject matter … Ballentine's law dictionary
Nasciturus pro iam nato habetur, quotiens de commodis eius agitur — is a Latin phrase which refers to a law which enables a foetus to inherit property. In normal circumstances, a foetus may not inherit, as it does not legally become a person until it is born. Under this law, the foetus is legally presumed to have … Wikipedia
NASCITURUS PRO IAM NATO HABETUR, QUOTIENS DE CORA-MODIS EIUS AGITUR — – зачатый ребёнок принимается за уже родившегося, поскольку речь идёт о его выгоде … Советский юридический словарь
ubi et dantis et accipientis turpitude versatur, non posse repeti dicimus; quotiens autem accipientis turpitude versatur, repeti posse — /yuwbay et daentas et aksipiyentas tarpat(y)uwdow varseytar, non posiy rapetay disamas; kwowshanz otam aksipiyentas tarpat(y)uwdow varseytar, repetay,posiy/ Where there is turpitude on the part of both giver and receiver, we say it cannot be… … Black's law dictionary
Rem in bonis nostris habere intelligimur, quotiens ad recuperandum eam actionem habeamus — We are supposed to have a property in our goods whenever we have an action to recover them. See 2 Bl Comm 397 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Ubi et dantis et accipientis turpitudo versatur, non posse repeti dicimus; quotiens autem accipientis turpitudo versatur, repeti posse — When there is turpitude in both the giver and the receiver, we say the thing cannot be recovered, but that whenever the turpitude is in the receiver only, it can be recovered. Mason v Waite, 17 Mass 560, 562 … Ballentine's law dictionary
quotient — [ kɔsjɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1484; lat. quotie(n)s « combien de fois, autant de fois que » 1 ♦ Résultat d une division. Quotient de deux nombres, obtenu en les divisant l un par l autre. Quotient, dans un anneau commutatif A, de a par b (a, b, éléments de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Quotient — Anteil; Proportion; Verhältnis; Größenverhältnis * * * Quo|ti|ẹnt 〈m. 16; Math.〉 Zähler u. Nenner eines Bruches [<lat. quotiens „wie oft“; zu quot „wie viele“] * * * Quo|ti|ẹnt, der; en, en [zu lat. quotie … Universal-Lexikon