- quinam
- quinam quinam, quaenam, quodnam? который же? какой же?
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ABBATES Monastici quinam dicti olim — vide suprâ in Abbacomites … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
FOSSATUM — I. FOSSATUM oppid. dit. Pont. in Marchia Anconitana, in Apennino, et confin. Duc. Urbini, 12. mill. ab Eugubio in Eur. 14. a Saxoferrato in Austr. II. FOSSATUM vulgari significatione fossam, nobiliore castrensem, atque illam maxime, quâ castra… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
NOVEMVIRI — apud Athenienses fuêre inter praecipuos eorum Magistratus, qui annuô Imperiô defungebantur sic: ut unusillorum Archon diceretur Fastosque signaret, alter Rex, tertius Polemarchus, reliqui sex Thesmothetae, teste Polluce l. 8. c. 9. Quos… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cochinchina — Colony of Cochinchina Nam Kỳ French colony ← … Wikipedia
Columbus Channel — at Quinam Bay, south Trinidad The Columbus Channel is the narrow body of water between the south coast of the island of Trinidad and the Venezuelan mainland. The Columbus Channel connects the Gulf of Paria with the Atlantic Ocean. It is also … Wikipedia
List of schools in Trinidad and Tobago — Primary SchoolsAssisted schoolsRun by the Anglican Board* Anstey Memorial Girls Anglican School (San Fernando) * Arouca Anglican Primary School * Barataria Anglican Primary School (Barataria) * Coffee Boys Anglican School (San Fernando) * Claxton … Wikipedia
Penal-Debe Regional Corporation — Infobox TT Regional Corporation name = Penal Debe name = Penal Debe area = 246.91 time zone= utc offset= 4 population estimate year = 2000 population estimate = 83,609 population density = 340 leader type = Chairman governing body = Penal Debe… … Wikipedia
Nihonmachi — For modern day Japanese communities, see Japantown. Nihonmachi (日本町 or 日本街, lit. Japan town or Japan street ?) is a term used to refer to historical Japanese communities in Southeast and East Asia. The term has come to also be applied to several… … Wikipedia
Trinidad and Tobago local election, 2008 — Local elections are due to be held in Trinidad and Tobago in June 2008. They were originally scheduled for June 2006, but were postponed for a year by Prime Minister Patrick Manning for one year. In June 2007 he delayed them for another year. The … Wikipedia
Cornelis Caesar — 11th Governor of Formosa In office May 24, 1653 – June 30, 1656 Preceded by Nicolas Verburg Succeeded by Frederick Coyett … Wikipedia
Zacharias Wagener — Angeregt von Wagners „Tier Buch“ zeichnete auch sein Zeitgenosse Caspar Schmalkalden brasilianische Motive, hier einen damals so genannten „west indianischen Raben“ Zacharias Wagner, auch „Wagener“ oder „Wagenaer“, (* 10. Mai 1614 in Dresden; †… … Deutsch Wikipedia