- quamvis
- quamvis quamvis как угодно
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Quamvis paternae — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Quamvis paternae es una encíclica publicada por el Papa Benedicto XIV el 26 de agosto de 1741. Tras recordar que en algunas partes del mundo se cometen abusos en la administración de la justifica eclesiástica o que… … Wikipedia Español
Quamvis sint sub aqua, sub aqua maledicere tentant. — См. Квакать одно и то же … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
quamvis aliquid per se non sit malum, tamen, si sit mail exempli, non est faciendum — /kwsmvis aelakwid par siy non sit maelam, taeman, say sit maelay agzemplay, non sit faeshiyendam/ Although a thing may not be bad in itself, yet, if it is of bad example, it is not to be done … Black's law dictionary
quamvis lex generaliter loquitur, restringenda tamen est, ut, cessante ratione, ipsa cessat — /kwaemvis leks jenareylatar lowkwatar, restrinjenda taeman est, at, sasaentiy raeshiyowniy ipsa sesat/ Although a law speaks generally, yet it is to be restrained, so that when its reason ceases, it should cease also … Black's law dictionary
Quamvis aliquid per se non sit malum, tamen si sit mali exempli, non est faciendum — Although anything may not be bad or evil in itself, yet if it is of bad example, it should not be done … Ballentine's law dictionary
in his enim quse sunt favorabilia animae, quamvis sunt damnosa rebus, fiat aliquando extentio statuti — /in his enam kwiy sant feyvarabil(i)ya aenamiy, kwaemvas sant daemnowsa riybas, fayat aelakwaendow akstensh(iy)ow statyuwtay/ In things that are favorable to the spirit, though injurious to property, an extension of the statute should sometimes… … Black's law dictionary
in rebus qua; sunt favorabilia animae, quamvis sunt damnosa rebus, fiat aliquando extensio statuti — /in riybas kwiy sant feyvarabil(iy)a aenamiy, kwsmvas sant daemnowsa riybas, fayat eelakwaendow akstensh(iy)ow statyuwtay/ In things that are favorable to the spirit, though injurious to things, an extension of a statute should sometimes be made … Black's law dictionary
in his enim quse sunt favorabilia animae, quamvis sunt damnosa rebus, fiat aliquando extentio statuti — /in his enam kwiy sant feyvarabil(i)ya aenamiy, kwaemvas sant daemnowsa riybas, fayat aelakwaendow akstensh(iy)ow statyuwtay/ In things that are favorable to the spirit, though injurious to property, an extension of the statute should sometimes… … Black's law dictionary
in rebus qua; sunt favorabilia animae, quamvis sunt damnosa rebus, fiat aliquando extensio statuti — /in riybas kwiy sant feyvarabil(iy)a aenamiy, kwsmvas sant daemnowsa riybas, fayat eelakwaendow akstensh(iy)ow statyuwtay/ In things that are favorable to the spirit, though injurious to things, an extension of a statute should sometimes be made … Black's law dictionary
omne magis dignum trahit ad se minus dignum, quamvis minus dignum sit antiquius — /omniy meyjas dignam traehat abd siy maynas dignam, kwaemvis maynas dignam sit aentikwiyas/ Every worthier thing draws to it the less worthy, though the less worthy be the more ancient … Black's law dictionary
quaelibet poena corporalis, quamvis minima, major est qualibet poena pecuniaria — /kwiylabat piyna korpareylas, kwaemvis minama, meyjar est kweylabat piyna pakyuwniyeriya/ Every corporal punishment, although the very least, is greater than any pecuniary punishment … Black's law dictionary