- prudens
- prudens prudens, entis благоразумный, предусмотрительный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Prudens — Prudens, lat., klug; prudentia, Klugheit; prudentum auctoritas Ansehen, Ansichten der Rechtskundigen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
prudens — index circumspect, deliberate, discreet, judicious, knowing, politic, prudent, reasonable (rational) … Law dictionary
Prudens, S. — S. Prudens (4. Dec.), ein Martyrer. S. S. Eraclius6. (Allg. Mart.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Prudens van Duyse — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Prudens van Duyse Prudentius van Duyse o Prudens van Duyse (Dendermonde, 17 de septiembre de 1804 Gante, 13 de noviembre de 1859) fue un escritor flamenco. Comenzó su carrera como un administrativo de una not … Wikipedia Español
PRUDENS Henricus — vide Henricus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Prudens van Duyse — Prudentius van Duyse or Prudens van Duyse (Dendermonde, 17 September, 1804 Ghent, 13 November, 1859) was a Flemish writer. He started his career a clerk of a notary, but afterwards studied law at the University of Ghent, where he graduated in… … Wikipedia
Prix Prudens Van Duyse — Le Prix Prudens Van Duyse (Prudens van Duyseprijs) est un prix décerné par le Marnixring Ros Beiaard Dendermonde et la ville de Termonde. Il a comme but de récompenser la propagation et la promotion de la culture néerlandaise. Le premier prix fut … Wikipédia en Français
Nemo prudens punit, ut ait Plato, quia peccatum est, sed ne peccetur. — См. Бьют не ради мученья, а ради ученья … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
nemo prudens punit ut praeterita revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur — /niymow pruwdenz pyuwnat at pratehrata riyvasentar, sed at f(y)atyura praviyniyaentar/ No wise man punishes in order that past things may be recalled, but that future wrongs may be prevented … Black's law dictionary
nemo prudens punit ut praeterita revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur — /niymow pruwdenz pyuwnat at pratehrata riyvasentar, sed at f(y)atyura praviyniyaentar/ No wise man punishes in order that past things may be recalled, but that future wrongs may be prevented … Black's law dictionary
Nemo prudens punit ut praeterita revocentur, sed ut futura praeveniantur — No prudent person punishes in order that past transactions may be revoked, but he does so in order that future acts may be prevented … Ballentine's law dictionary