- Caeneus
eī m.Кеней, фессалийский герой, родившийся женщиной (см. Caenis , idis), но превращенный в мужчину Нептуном; участник Калидонскои охоты и похода Аргонавтов V, O
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
CAENEUS — vide Caenis … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Caeneus — In Greek mythology, Caeneus (Ancient Greek Καινεύς or Kaineus) was a Lapith hero and originally a Thessalonian woman, Caenis. MythCaenis, the daughter of Elatus (a Lapith chieftain) and Hippea, was raped by Poseidon, who then fulfilled her… … Wikipedia
Caeneus — ▪ Greek mythology in Greek mythology, the son of Elatus, a Lapith from the mountains of Thessaly in what is now northern Greece. At the marriage of Pirithous, king of the Lapiths, the Centaurs (Centaur) (creatures part man and part horse), who… … Universalium
КАЙНЕЙ — • Caeneus, Καινεύς, сын Элата и Гиннейи, отец Корона, лапиф из Гортина в Магнесии (Il. 2, 746. Apoll. Rh. 1, 57 слл.). Говорят, что он первоначально был девицей, по имени Кайнида (Caenis), превращен Посейдоном, по своей просьбе, в… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Lapith — In Greek mythology, the Lapiths were a legendary people, whose home was in Thessaly, in the valley of the Peneus [ Lapithes made his home about the Peneius river (Diodorus Siculus, iv.69.2).] and on the mountain Pelion. Like the Myrmidons and… … Wikipedia
List of Metamorphoses characters — Cover of George Sandys s 1632 edition of Ovid s Metamorphosis Englished This is a list of characters in the poem Metamorphoses by Ovid. It contains more than 200 characters, summaries of their roles, and information on where they appear. The… … Wikipedia
List of transgender people — The people on this list have been selected because their fame or notoriety is in some way due or connected to their transgender identity or behaviour. Each person in this list has their own Wikipedia article, where each subject can be studied in… … Wikipedia
Edward Perry Warren — (January 8, 1860 – December 28, 1928), known as Ned Warren, was an American art collector and the author of works proposing an idealized view of homosexual relationships. Contents 1 Biography 2 Select works 3 See also 4 … Wikipedia
Céneo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Poseidón y Céneo, ilustración por Virgil Solis En la mitología griega, Céneo era un lápita que en su origen fue una doncella llamada Cene o Cenis, y era hija de Élato. De joven fue secuestrada por Poseidón y… … Wikipedia Español
CAENIS — I. CAENIS Theslalica puella, quae a Neptuno per vim compressa; ab eo muneris locô impetravit. ut in vitum transformaretur, nullisque unquam vulneribus posset sauciari, Mutatô itaque sexu etiam nomen mutavit, Caeneus dictus, Hic cum Lapithis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Centaur — This article is about the mythological creatures. For other uses, see Centaur (disambiguation). Sintar redirects here. For the Romanian village, see Bogda. Centaur AKA: Kentaur, Κένταυρος, Centaurus A bronze statue of a cent … Wikipedia