- proprietas
- proprietas proprietas, atis f собственность
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
proprietas — index character (personal quality), characteristic, feature (characteristic), property (distinctive attribute), trait Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. B … Law dictionary
PROPRIETAS — vocabulum a Iurisconsultis effictum, ad distinguenda dominia; significat plerumque merum et directum dominium, non usufructuarium: ut alias vocis huius apud eosdem significationes omittam. Apud Historicos veteres et candidioris simplicitatis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
proprietas — /praprayatss/ In the civil and old English law, property; that which is one s own; ownership. Proprietas nuda, naked or mere property of ownership; the mere title, separate from the usufruct … Black's law dictionary
proprietas — (Civil law.) Property; that which is peculiarly one s own; ownership … Ballentine's law dictionary
PROPRIETAS — (лат.) так назывался в лигатурах (См.) мензуральной музыки тот случай, когда начальная нота имела значение brevis. P. обозначалась в хоральном нотном письме формою первой ноты лигатуры, а именно т.е. отсутствием опущенного вниз штриха… … Музыкальный словарь Римана
proprietas plena — full property, including not only the title, but the usufruct, or exclusive right to the use … Black's law dictionary
proprietas totius navis carinae causam sequitur — /praprayataes towshiyas neyvas karayniy kozam sekwatar/ The property of the whole ship follows the condition of the keel. If a man builds a vessel from the very keel with the materials of another, the vessel belongs to the owner of the materials … Black's law dictionary
proprietas verborum est salus proprietatum — /praprayatses varboram est sablas praprayateytam/ Propriety of words is the salvation of property … Black's law dictionary
proprietas nuda — Naked property; property in which the owner has title without the use … Ballentine's law dictionary
proprietas plena — Full property; that is, property in which the owner has both the title and the use … Ballentine's law dictionary
Proprietas totius navis carinae causam sequitur — The property in the whole ship follows that of the keel. Glover v Austin, 23 Mass (6 Pick) 209, 220 … Ballentine's law dictionary