- profligatus
- profligatus profligatus, a, um жалкий, погибший
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
profligatus — index profligate (extravagant), reprobate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Profligate — Prof li*gate, a. [L. profligatus, p. p. of profligare to strike or dash to the ground, to destroy; pro before + a word akin to fligere to strike. See {Afflict}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Overthrown; beaten; conquered. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The foe is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
profligate — I. adjective Etymology: Latin profligatus, from past participle of profligare to strike down, from pro forward, down + fligare (akin to fligere to strike); akin to Greek phlibein to squeeze Date: 1647 1. completely given up to dissipation and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Henri de Saint-Ignace — (b. in 1630, at Ath in Hainaut, Belgium; d. in 1719 or 1720, near Liège) was a Belgian Carmelite theologian.LifeAs a professor of moral theology he was noted for his learning, but still more for his Jansenistic tendencies. He took part in all the … Wikipedia
Johann Conrad Dannhauer — Johann Conrad Dannhauer. Johann Konrad Dannhauer est né le 24 mars 1603, à Köndringen, bourgade du Brisgau, dans le Pays de Bade, et il est mort le 7 novembre 1666 à Strasbourg. Théologien et philologue qui enseigne les doctrines de Luther à… … Wikipédia en Français
Josias Staedel — (né en 1651, mort en 1717) est un imprimeur de l imprimerie de Strasbourg de 1652 à 1718. Sommaire 1 Josias Staedel, (Josias I Staedel) 2 Josias Staedel, (Josias II Staedel) 3 La devise de la maison Staedel … Wikipédia en Français
profligate — profligately, adv. profligateness, n. /prof li git, gayt /, adj. 1. utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. 2. recklessly prodigal or extravagant. n. 3. a profligate person. [1525 35; < L profligatus broken down in… … Universalium
Henri de Saint-Ignace — • A Carmelite theologian, b. in 1630, at Ath in Hainaut, Belgium; d. in 1719 or 1720, near Liège Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Henri de Saint Ignace Henri de Saint Ignace … Catholic encyclopedia
Molophilus — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
reprobate — I adjective accusable, bad, base, blameworthy, corrupt, criminal, culpable, degenerate, depraved, disgusting, disreputable, dissolute, evil minded, facinorous, felonious, flagitious, flagrant, hardened, heinous, immoral, incorrigible, infamous,… … Law dictionary
profligate — I (corrupt) adjective abandoned to vice, base, corrupted, debauched, degenerate, depraved, disgraceful, disreputable, dissipated, dissipative, dissolute, evil, evil minded, fallen, flagitious, foul, heinous, immoral, indecent, infamous,… … Law dictionary