- profectio
- profectio profectio, onis f уход
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
profectio — index start Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Profectio — The profectio is a convention in ancient Roman relief sculpture, depicting an emperor formally setting out from Rome, especially to begin a military campaign. Its opposite is the adventus.External links*… … Wikipedia
Saint John Mill Rats — Founded 2007 League ABA 2007–2008 PBL 2009–2011 NBL Canada[ … Wikipedia
marblemedia — Founded in 2001 by Mark Bishop and Matt Hornburg, Toronto based marblemedia is a content creation company at the forefront of television and new media production, devoted to telling stories that entertain and engage audiences across all platforms … Wikipedia
passage — Passage, m. penac. Signifie tantost l allée et le voyage d un lieu à autre, Profectio. Le passage de l armée est dangereux, Plena periculi res est, exercitus praefectio. Prendre un Faulcon au passage, Accipitrem in ipsa migratione intercipere. Et … Thresor de la langue françoyse
voyage — Voyage, m. pen. Vient de ce mot Voye, et se prent pour le traict de tout un chemin entreprins par aucun, Profectio, Peregrinatio. Comþme le voyage de Rome, Iter Romam susceptum, profectio ad vrþbem. Le voyage de Hierusalem, Peregrinatio… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Gerhard Koeppel — articleissues unreferenced=April 2008 orphan=April 2008Gerhard Koeppel is a German born historian of Roman art and a specialist in the study of Roman historical relief sculpture. Koeppel studied at the University of Cologne and studied under the… … Wikipedia
Ministerialis — (plural ministeriales); a post classical Latin word, used in English, meaning originally servitor, agent, in a broad range of senses. In Germany, in the High Middle Ages, the word and its German translations, Ministeriale(n) and Dienstmann, came… … Wikipedia
Adventus (ceremony) — The adventus was a ceremony in ancient Rome, in which an emperor was formally welcomed into a city either during a progress or after a military campaign, often (but not always) Rome. The term is also used to refer to artistic depicitions (usually … Wikipedia
Konstantinbogen — Der Konstantinsbogen von der Via Triumphalis aus betrachtet Der Konstantinsbogen ist ein dreitoriger Triumphbogen in Rom. Er wurde zu Ehren des Kaisers Konstantin in Erinnerung an dessen Sieg bei der Milvischen Brücke (im Jahre 312) über seinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Konstantinsbogen — Der Konstantinsbogen von der Via Triumphalis aus betrachtet Der Konstantinsbogen ist ein dreitoriger Triumphbogen in Rom. Er wurde zu Ehren des Kaisers Konstantin in Erinnerung an dessen Sieg bei der Milvischen Brücke (im Jahre 312) über seinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia