- praeterquam
- praeterquam praeterquam кроме
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
haeres non tenetur in Anglia ad debita antecessoris reddenda, nisi per antecessorem ad hoc fuerit obligatus, praeterquam debita regis tantum — /hiriyz non taniytar in aggliya ad debata antasasoras radenda, naysay par antasasoram ad hok fyiiwarat oblageytas pratarkwam debata rijas tantam/ In England, the heir is not bound to pay his ancestor s debts, unless he be bound to it by the… … Black's law dictionary
haeres non tenetur in Anglia ad debita antecessoris reddenda, nisi per antecessorem ad hoc fuerit obligatus, praeterquam debita regis tantum — /hiriyz non taniytar in aggliya ad debata antasasoras radenda, naysay par antasasoram ad hok fyiiwarat oblageytas pratarkwam debata rijas tantam/ In England, the heir is not bound to pay his ancestor s debts, unless he be bound to it by the… … Black's law dictionary
Haeres non tenetur in Anglia ad debita antecessoris reddenda, nisi per antecessorem ad hoc fuerit obligatus, praeterquam debita regis tantum — The heir is not bound in England to pay his ancestor s debts unless he was bound to this by the ancestor, excepting whatever is owed to the king … Ballentine's law dictionary
fors — Fors, c est à dire Horsmis, et excepté, et vient de Foris, ou Foras, Praeter, Praeterquam. Personne n a dit ceci fors, ou horsmis, ou excepté Cicero, Nemo id dixit praeterquam Cicero. Fors ce, il estoit fort bon en toutes autres choses, Bonus ad… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Cumania — Cuman Kipchak confederation in Eurasia circa 1200 Cumania is a name formerly used to designate several distinct lands in Eastern Europe inhabited by and under the military dominance of the Cumans, a nomadic tribe who, with the Kipchaks, created a … Wikipedia
Gerhard Noodt — (auch: Gerard Noodt; * 4. September 1647 in Nimwegen; † 15. August 1725 in Leiden) war Jurist der eleganten Schule in den Niederlanden, Rektor der Universität Leiden und Frühaufklärer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Les douze tables — Loi des Douze Tables Loi des Douze Tables Type … Wikipédia en Français
Loi Des Douze Tables — Type … Wikipédia en Français
Loi des 12 tables — Loi des Douze Tables Loi des Douze Tables Type … Wikipédia en Français
Loi des Douze Tables — Type Corpus de Lois … Wikipédia en Français
Loi des Tables — Loi des Douze Tables Loi des Douze Tables Type … Wikipédia en Français